Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One

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The excitement had died down and nothing except nerves were in Harry.

He was so close to finishing this stupid tournament. 

But he still didn't know who wanted to kill him?

It made sense for the person to make their move during the tournament, that way it could be blamed as one of the many deaths that occurred during the tournaments. 

'But why haven't they gone for it?' Harry mused as be buttoned up his shirt.

"You look deep in thought love," Draco said as he wrapped his arms around Harry.

"Nothing to worry about love," Harry said as he spun around and hugged Draco back.

If anything could get Harry' mind off of someone trying to kill him, it was Draco.

"Are you see?" Draco asked as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Positive," Harry said smiling softly.

"Good, then let's head to breakfast," Draco said happily, jumping away from Harry and pulling him away from their room.

Harry chuckled at his antics but happily allowed him to be pulled through the castle.

"You ready?" Theo asked cautiously as Harry and Draco sunk into their seats at the table.

They all remembered Harry's sour mood from the first two tasks and would like a little warning on how thin the ice is...

"Yeah I am fine," Harry replied smiling.

"Oh no, is this like next level anger? Like so and he is smiling?" Blaise blurted out.

"Yes! This happened to me! Mione was so mad at me that she just smiled and walked away!" Pansy exclaimed.

To which Hermione smacked her arm and harshly whispered, "I did not I just simply let you know that you should never do that disrespectful thing again,"  

Pansy's face went a few too many shades of pink as she whispered a small sorry.

"Yes guys, I am fine, chill out, besides on a more serious note... What did you do Pansy?" Harry asked curiously.

"Nothing!" Pansy blurted out a little too quickly for Hermione's liking.

"It was not nothing! I let her borrow my favourite copy of Newt Scamander's book Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, and she folded the corner as a bookmark!" Hermione exclaimed.

The whole table was silent for a moment, no on knowing how to react.

However, Draco couldn't keep it together, "Wow Pans you really messed that one up didn't you!" 

Everyone burst out laughing to which Pansy and Hermione both scowled at them all.

"Sorry guys I had to, but hey if it makes you feel better Harry once got super mad at me for misplacing his Rare potions ingredients book," Draco teased.

"Hey! That is an extremely rare -" Harry started.

"Edition with a bound leather frame and original pages from the depths of the Amazon forest, I know," Draco finished chuckling which made everyone else burst out laughing at Harry's embarrassed face.

"Hey! You can't call me out without us remembering the time you ignored me for a day because I moved your hair products and you couldn't use them for one night!" Harry teased back which caused Draco's mouth to close instantly and everyone else's laughter to increase.

"Why are we all so chaotic?" Theo laughed.

"Speak for yourselves," Blaise said cockily, which made Theo roll his eyes.

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