Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One

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By the time Saturday rolled the group was tired and ready for a chill day, the ministry had stuck to their word and had replaced Umbridge with a competent teacher. Professor Moody or other wise known as Mad eye Moody. He was great however he rather liked setting lots of homework that rivaled Snape's. Overall the kids could see why people called him mad.

However Pansy had something that kept me smiling all week. She was ecstatic to see Hermione again and get closer to her.

The two girls had been talking throughout the week but there never seemed to be enough time for either girl to really have a long conversation. 

Needless to say they were both looking forward to their movie night.

All that was left would be to convince Professor Snape and Flitwick...

Saturday Morning at breakfast

"Hey everyone!" Hermione exclaimed as she sat next to the group for breakfast.

"Hey Mione." Pansy smiled widely as she locked eyes with the girl.

"Save it for guys geez." Harry said teasingly.

"Says you!" Pansy exclaimed her face tinted pink in embarrassment.

"Okay jeez guys, look there is Professor Flitwick and Snape, lets go ask them now!" Draco said to break up the teasing.

"That is a good idea!" Hermione said as they all got up and headed over to the staff table.

Once the group was standing in front of the two professors Harry started formally, "Good morning Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick." 

"Good morning?" Both professors replied curiously.

"We have a question for you both, if you have time?" Draco asked politely.

"Well go  on then." Snape said as he put down his cutlery. Flitwick mimicked these actions.

"We would like to set an example of house unity and have Hermione stay the night in the dungeons." Pansy said formally.

"I see and what would you do whilst Hermione is in the dungeons?" Flitwick asked confused.

"We were planning on having a movie night and there is a spare bed in Pansy's room." Blaise said.

The two professors looked at each other and shrugged.

"As long as your homework is all done then I don't mind." Professor Flitwick said with a smile.

"Just don't stay up too late." Professor Snape added.

"We won't thanks!" Hermione exclaimed.

The group walked back to their table with matching Cheshire cat grins.

"Okay so plan of attack?" Pansy asked once they had sat back down.

"Okay so everyone's homework is done right?" Harry asked 

There was a series of nods from around the table.

"Okay then, we finish breakfast, Hermione can go pack and Pansy can help her take her stuff to the dorms, once she is settled I reckon we play some games and then have a movie marathon?" Harry proposed.

"Yeah that sounds good! I have already packed so I can just bring the stuff down." Hermione exclaimed.

"I can help!" Pansy exclaimed and that was enough to get both girls up and running out of the Great Hall.

Everyone chuckled and Theo said, "I guess they forgot about the food part." 

Everyone nodded before digging into their own food.

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