Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup

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The end of the holidays was nearing faster than anyone would normally want, but however, this year was different. This year every child, teenager and adult was rearing for the end of the holidays.

The reason: The Quidditch World Cup.

It was tomorrow night and two in particular boys just couldn't sleep, they were too excited! 

"You awake?" Draco whispered into Harry's neck.

"Yeah." Harry replied in a tired whisper.

"Can't sleep either?" Draco asked looking up into Harry's eyes.

"Nah." Harry replied looking down lovingly at his boyfriend.

Harry loved the way that sounded, his boyfriend.

"I can't wait for the game!" Draco whispered excitedly.

"Same, who are you going for?" Harry asked smiling.

"Bulgaria obviously, they have Krum and he's like the best seeker ever." Draco said as a matter of factly.

"Nah, the seeker is just one person, I reckon the Irish is going to win, they have a better...Well literally every player except for the seeker." Harry said.

"We'll see," Draco commented smirking.

"Oh you're on." Harry said with the same smirk.

"Let's make a deal, if the Irish win, I win a kiss." Harry stated.

"And if Bulgaria's team win?" Draco countered.

"Then you win a kiss." Harry stated.

"I can live with that." Draco smiled.

The two relaxed into each other, counting sheep until they eventually fell asleep.


They were all seated in the ministers box watching as the game unfolded.

So far Ireland was kicking Bulgaria's butt. The odds weren't in their favor.

Harry looked at Draco and smirked at him, to which he simply rolled his eyes and kept watching.

Once the game was over, Draco turned to Harry in defeat.

Harry simply laughed at his antics and whispered in his ear, "I'll be collecting later."

Draco shivered and smiled at Harry.

"Boys, I am so glad you could join me up here." The Minister for Magic said as he noticed the two young boys.

"It's good to be up here, thank you for inviting us." Harry commented nicely.

To this the Minister nodded, "Now Harry there actually was something I wanted to talk to you about." 

Harry looked confused before asking, "What about Sir?" 

"Well about Albus Dumbledore and um well what happened to him." The Minister said.

This turned Harry's blood to ice.

"What do you mean minister?" Harry asked with a fake smile.

"Well he seemed quite traumatized really and after inspecting his memories-" The Minister started but Harry cut him off.

"Then if you have inspected his memories then you know that what I did was legal and justified," Harry stated coldly.

"I-I know," The Minister stuttered which gained the attention of Lucius. "I was just hoping you wold consider a job in the field of the Ministry."

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