Forest of Orange and Red

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A/N: Sorry if I did not finish or include all important scenes from Jaundice. Here's Forever Fall.

Field trip. A field trip to the supposedly most dangerous forest in Vale. Dante sniffed the air. Today he wore the Executioner Set, complete with the Golden Ardeo, and carried Logarius' Wheel with him. Evelyn was holstered at his side as he followed the group of students.

"The Forever Fall Forest." Dante's mind blocked out all the noise coming from the students and the teacher. He focused on the whistling wind, the distant sounds of Ursa. His mind flashed back to the night before.


"You want me to hunt?"

"Yes, Mr. Dante."

"Hunt what?"

"This..." Ozpin pulled out a photo, and Dante's eyes widened. "Our cameras picked this up."

"Oh Kos

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"Oh Kos..." Dante muttered. "How...?"

"Even I do not know. But the moment the camera spotted it, it bounded, supposedly in the direction of the Forever Fall Forest."


Rot... Flesh... The scent was almost concealed by everything else. He broke off from the group. Ruby was the only one who noticed. "He's leaving..." She whispered to Yang and the rest of her team, but Weiss shook her head, saying that breaking off here in the forest is a "bad idea."

Meanwhile, Dante wandered off, delving further into the forest.

The rot smelled stronger.


There you are...

The Scourge Beast was feasting on a Beowulf. Numerous Beowulves. Dante whistled, calling its' attention. As if to say, "Remember me?"

The Beast looked up from its feast, and growled. "Come to Daddy, big ugly."

The Beast roared, as if it understood the insult, and charged. Mistake. Evelyn was drawn, and the Beast took a bullet to the face.

After getting stunned... "I will enjoy this, you ugly beast." Dante grabbed the Beast by the throat, and began to choke it. The Beast began to whimper, raising its claws to its face as if to protect itself, which shouldn't have been possible.

"...What are you?"

Dante let go, and the Beast stumbled backwards, gripping its' throat and looking at Dante with fear.

"Go." Dante turned around. "I'll... turn a blind eye. But I swear... if you hurt anyone..."

The Beast ran.

Dante sighed. For the first time, he spared a Scourge Beast. And for what? Because it showed signs of the humanity it lost? Dante groaned inwardly. He was an idiot. He was actually an idiot.

He sighed as he returned to the group, who were busy collecting sap.

"Oh hey, Dante! Where did you go?" Ruby suddenly appeared next to him.

"Nowhere." Dante said as he slumped down underneath a tree. "Wake me up when this is all done."

-- Literally a few seconds later --

"An Ursa Major!"

Dante sighed in annoyance. He was just about to get comfortable, but such is the luck of a Hunter.

He stood up and calmly walked in the direction that the other members of team CRDL ran from, Logarius' Wheel in hand.

He sighs as he watches Jaune do battle with a bear twice his size. "Jaune..."

He hears him grit in effort to keep the claw from knocking him down. "Y-Yeah? Kinda busy here!" 

"Throw it off, and leave it to me!" Jaune forced the claw off of his shield, and Dante rushed, swinging the wheel over his head. The Ursa blocked it. Good. Typical bait-and-switch.

"Jaune? Now!"

Jaune caught the signal, and jammed the blade into its throat. The Ursa Major was still roaring in annoyance as it tried to deal with both targets. "Do it, Jaune!"

Jaune roared, and with a single pull, the Ursa's body was relieved of its' head. Pyrrha, Yang and Ruby were watching off to the side.

Dante didn't even bother, and just gave Jaune a thumbs-up. "Good kill, Jaune. Now, I'll just..." He heads off back to the other clearing to try and get some rest. He sighs, and passes the Wheel to the Lone Messenger. It was an unreliable weapon, in his opinion.

Ruby did not know what to think, but they were all already about to leave for Beacon. "Dante! We're leaving!"

Dante responded with a wave of his hand. "Go on ahead. I'll hitch a ride with the next bullhead." Glynda appeared next to him. "Get up, Mr. Alighieri."

Dante sighed underneath his Golden Ardeo. "Can't a man sleep?"

"I'll give you something for your cooperation when we get back, Dante." Dante stared up at the teacher, and saw an unrecognizable look on her face. He just sighed, and got up.

"Let's go, Miss Rose." Dante sighs, and begins walking to the bullhead. Glynda follows. On the trip back, he spots Glynda giving him the side eye, but he doesn't understand why.

Beacon is within view after a few minutes, and they land a minute later. Glynda gestures for him to follow, while Yang and company look at him in surprise and slight disgust. "What?" Dante asks the four.

"Clueless. Dense. There are so many words in the common language to describe you right now." Weiss said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Yeah." Blake added without looking up from her book. Yang slapped Dante on the back, with jealous look on her face. "Lucky you." Ruby just had this clueless look.

"Don't worry, Ruby. You'll understand when you're my age." Yang said. "Now go on, Big Guy."

Dante went with Glynda to an empty classroom and...

-- A few hours later --

"I missed a few... *breath* lessons, Miss Goodwitch." Dante said, laying next to the tuckered-out teacher. He stood up, and threw on his garb.

"Do I... *breath* *breath* not deserve a goodbye kiss?" Glynda sat up, the blanket covering her Gods-given gifts. Dante sighed, and leaned in.

The kiss lasted a few seconds, but it felt like an eternal heaven. They were both breathing heavily when they separated. "Goodbye, Miss Goodwitch."

"Goodbye, Dante. Oh, and please. Call me Glynda." She smiled, as she put on her glasses, and began buttoning up. Dante sighed again, and put on his Ardeo. Hopefully no one would notice.

Glynda stood up, and they both stepped out of the classroom, first scoping out the hallways, to see if anyone would notice. When no one was around, they had a small awkward silence where Glynda blushed heavily, and Dante scratched the back of his head.

"See you?" Dante asked the still-blushing Glynda. "Y-Yes. Of course." She coughed, and regained her composure. "Of  course..."

After a few more seconds of silence, they went their separate ways.


Christ, this took forever. Next chapter will be the Vytal Festival arc. Expect it within a few days, unless I'm uninspired, in which it will take a month.

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