A Man in Black and An Obsidian Lady II

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"...and we may never be ready!" Blake shouted. "Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day! They're out there, somewhere planning their next move and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready, or not..."

Ruby started, "Okay." In the next part, Dante and Alfred caught words, but they got the main gist. "All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses who single-handedly took down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale, say I?"

"Yes! I love it when you're feisty!" Yang goes. Weiss responds with an agreeing, "Well, I suppose it could be fun." Ruby goes, sadly, "None of you said I..." Suddenly, from outside, they hear two resounding "I!"s. The team looks at each other and Ruby calmly reaches for the door.

They turn the handle, and... "Alfred? Dante?" Dante stood in the doorway, a serious look on his face. "We may or may not have eavesdropped. But we want in on your plan. Those bastards may be connected to someone very very bad."

The team began to consult by making eye contact with each other. "Alright then. We're in this together." Ruby nods. "Let's hatch a plan." Yang pumps her fist. "Yeah!" Ruby suddenly gasps. "I left my board game in the library." Weiss facepalmed. "We're doomed."

Dante and Alfred agreed. "Yep. We are." Ruby quickly runs past the two. "I'll be right back!" Ruby shouted, but she didn't get far before bumping into someone hard. She was knocked to the ground, and Dante was about to help, but... 

"Uh, I'm sorry. Are-are you okay?" Ruby asks the person she bumped into, a brown girl with bright, almost neon green hair with straight tails. Next to her was a boy with gray hair who looked like he could cause trouble with a straight face and lie through his teeth. Looking at the girl's hair color made Dante's eyes hurt. 

"Looks like I'm not the only one whose eyes have not yet gotten used to all this color." Alfred comments as he attempts to look everywhere but at the girl's hair. "I'm fine. Just watch where you're going." The girl offers a hand to Ruby and proceeds to pull her to her feet. "Oh hehe, right. Sorry... Um, I'm Ruby. Are you new?"

"Visiting from Haven, actually." A new voice chimed in from behind the two. The girl with green hair made way, and another girl with eyes the color of swirling flames walked in. It was silent for a few seconds, as Ruby regarded the Haven students.

As the seconds passed, Dante's Hunter side called to him. 'Kill those bastards. They're dangerous. The girl in the middle smells of death and fire. The two spilled blood just recently.' Dante quiets them down but he couldn't help but feel that they were dangerous somehow. He wouldn't act on his instincts lest he was wrong.

5 seconds passed, and Ruby smiled. "Ooh, you're here for the festival. Oh, but exchange students have their own dormitory." The gray-haired boy responded, "I guess we just got turned around."

Dante called bullshit but didn't show it.

Ruby chuckled, "Oh don't worry. Happens all the time. Your building is juuuuust... east of here." The green-haired girl and gray-haired boy had already walked past, but the girl with eyes of fire thanked Ruby. "Maybe we'll see you around..." The girl then walked down the hallway, passing Dante and Alfred without even taking notice of them.

That statement sounded... off. Dante looked at Alfred and he thought the same thing. "Yeah maybe. OH and welcome to Beacon!" And for a split second, Dante felt a burst of Arcane energy emanate from the direction of the three Haven students.

Dante looked at Alfred, who looked indifferent. "Get your boardgame, already, Ruby, that way we can start planning," Alfred said to the red-haired Huntress, who nodded, and ran down the hallway to the library. Once she was out of sight, the Executioner tossed his Scroll to Dante. A photo of the trio was on the screen.

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