"Do you think she's talking to Liam?" Athena asked.

"I don't know, Maybe?" The look in Athena's eyes scared me.

"I think it's time Liam got a visit from his girlfriend,"

"I'm sorry, what? You want me to go over there when Tara's about to storm his house!"

"Think about it. You can show Tara's who's boss, keep her from getting back with Liam."

"This sounds like a terrible idea,"

"Well too bad because I already texted Liam asking him if you could come over,"

She was pushing me out the door before I could get another word in. "Athena, Tara left before us. We're not gonna get there before her,"


"I'm not gonna walk into the middle of an argument. Plus if he wants to get back with her then he can. I'm not gonna be his second choice. If I'm even a choice."

"Oh come on, just try."

It wasn't like I had much of a choice, we were already here. Athena dropped me off and pulled over to the curb to wait. I walked up to the front door and stood there. I could hear Tara yelling from outside. I didn't think I should walk in. Maybe I should just go back to the car. I looked to Athena but she waved me to go on. As soon as I reached for the doorbell the door swung open and an angry Tara came storming out. Her face was bright red and there were tears in her eyes. Looks like things didn't go quite as she wanted. She shoved me out of the way. Liam came to the door. His hair was a mess and he looked incredibly stressed. He looked up and saw me. "I um, I'm sorry I should, I didn't, I'll just go-" he cut me off and pulled me into a hug.

It took me a second to react. I wrapped my arms around him and we just kind of stood there. He pulled me closer and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered, I barely heard him.

"For what?" Why would he be sorry.

"For everything,"

We didn't say anything else. We just stood there. He looked like he didn't want to talk.

I made the mistake of not bringing a jacket with me and it was freezing outside. I tried not to shiver but it didn't really work. Liam let go and wrapped his jacket around me. "Here we should get you inside before you catch a cold,"

We walked inside and I texted Athena letting her know that I was okay and she was able to leave. She replied with our good luck charm and said she'd be back to pick me up later.

"Have you started to pack for the trip?" He asked grabbing a blanket from the closet.

"Athena and I actually just went shopping for it,"
"Thats fun," he smiled and sat on the couch.

"Are you okay?" He went from sad to happy in a matter of seconds.

He seemed to regain most of his positive energy, but I was still worried about, "Yeah, wanna play a game?" He was quick to change the subject
I smiled and laughed. "Alright, I'm in,"

"Great," his smile could brighten any room.
He ran up and grabbed a board game. He can down with a mischievous smile. "Monopoly?" I giggled.

"Come on, it'll be fun," he grabbed my hand and brought me to the other room where the table was.

"Should I be worried?"

He smirked and continued setting up the game. "Take your pick m'lady," he held his hand out with all the pieces.

"Why thank ya," I reached up to grab the dog but couldn't because Liam was still holding my hand.
His face flushed pink as he quickly let go. I laughed nervously and took the piece.

Deal: Fake Dating The BadboyWhere stories live. Discover now