Chapter Nine - A Quick Return (Daenna)

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Daenna hadn't said a word to her rescuers, particularly the woman who surprised her. She was still weak, light headed. Anxiously, she took the woman's hand and jumped out of the cart. She hated surprises. Wobbly on her feet, she steadied out and tried to keep her balance, though her knees wanted to buckle. Much to her objection, the woman put an arm around her waist to ease her struggle.

"Their mage is dead, Sultana, your mask proved true, we have the stones!" A man called out to them after rooting through the corpse of the Journeyman in red.

"You had such little faith in me, Basha? You disappoint." The woman helping Daenna joked back. "He still doesn't believe in magick, " the Sultana whispered to Daenna before yelling out commands to her assembly, who began to work faster looting the dead. Then they all walked towards, and gathered around the spot where the Sultana and Daenna stood. Their dark leather clothes covered in dust, their faces no longer hidden.

Daenna reluctantly kept her eyes on the ground, she knew what it could mean if the woman beside her was now the Sultana.

"It's good to see you, Al-hurra," said a younger woman, a bit older than Daenna. Which made all of them slightly bow their heads in greeting.

"I'm not -- "

"Pleasantries shall come later," the Sultana interrupted, "let me see the stones."

The man she joked with earlier stepped forward and handed over a small pouch. The Sultana made sure Daenna could stand on her own before she took the pouch, opened it and took out two smooth, oval beach stones etched in runic text. She ran her thumbs over the markings and studied them before saying "time to go."

She smacked the stones together. This produced a small gust of wind which blew everyone's garments and hair back from their faces. It coaxed Daenna to look up and watch as she slowly started rubbing the stones together in a circular motion. A blue light sparkled, then pink, then a white circle of light formed in front of them all and began to grow. It's oval shape danced like glowing fire and halted when it became large enough for them to walk through.

"After you, your Majesties." A man gestured to Daenna and the Sultana.

"Do you still have faith in me?" The Sultana turned and asked

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"Do you still have faith in me?" The Sultana turned and asked. Daenna lowered her eyes to avoid the woman's gaze, but nodded.

"Good, then let's step through together." She handed the man back the stones and wrapped her arm around Daenna's waist again for support and to lead her through the portal.

Daenna, who was feeling stronger than before, hesitated, pulled herself back. "I can't."

"Albi," endeared the Sultana, "don't let our time apart fuel your fear. All will be explained at Paderdun, the Stonelings call us home."

"I am not the same, Yrsa. I am a danger to you all." Daenna croaked as tears welled up in her eyes.

"No, no, albi. You have always been called to the flame. The nirien are in your veins, as it was meant to be. I am glad to see you've woke to them. Jaspel expected this, she told me what to do, where I might find you. Do not be afraid."

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