Chapter Four - Keeper (Lucinde)

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Lucinde was in the middle of translating old Elven text to both Terra and Hara languages for the Bolster City's library when she was interrupted by a messenger. 

"Sorry to disturb, Keeper, but it's wax sealed."

"As you were," she released him as she took what was offered. It was a scrolled note from Marcus. Though she knew it was coming, it still made her heart race as she read it. Almost knocking over the vial of black ink on her desk, she began quickly tiding her workspace, the desire for perfection overruling her need for haste. She wanted to flee the upper office immediately but she was not alone. Her scribes worked tirelessly alongside her, row upon row, sorting through the latest discovery. An ancient Valintra tablet had been unearthed while breaking stone for the new eastern roads. So far they seemed to contain the history of the Crystal Palace, an Elven legend, with specific details on the magics of how and when it was built. It was fascinating, to say the least, more so to the scribes who thought the story, and even elves themselves, were just a myth. Of course, Lucinde knew better. As Keeper of Chronicles, she knew plenty which was never spoken. It was her sole duty to protect all scrolls, grimoires, and ancient texts housed at Castle Hawk. She alone had the authority to lend out classified, oftentimes magical items and only to people in great need. 

"Marigold, can you take over here," she asked the closest scribe

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"Marigold, can you take over here," she asked the closest scribe. "Make sure everyone stays on task. I need to attend to a matter." She kept her face serene. Though her age would never show, she had practiced for generations. A mask of ice. People mistook her demeanor for unfriendliness, yet in truth she was afraid. Terrified. 

As she left the office, she almost took off in a run. Though how preposterous it would look? So she managed a ferocious walk. It didn't matter, she knew there would be stares, she never hurried anywhere. After receiving the message from Marcus, she didn't care, let them accuse her of what they would. It was already decided and there wasn't much time. No time at all.

When she turned a corner and saw that the hall towards the kitchens was empty, she picked up her pace. She tried widening her stride but almost ripped the hem of her blue dress. She always hated its snug fit and this almost enraged her. She would have to change. It was most definitely not for riding. She added that to her to-do list, along with a myriad of other thoughts that circled her head in preparation. Though first things first. She had to get down to the archives and fast. 

She scrambled through the kitchens as cooks and servers stared at her in shock. She'd never cut through the back way, always took her time to walk through the dining rooms, but not today. She scurried through the guild room halls, past the reserve armories and toward the back of the castle. Her breath was heavy, though she tried not to let it show she struggled. 

She still clung to Marcus' note in her fist. It was a warning, and a request for the Cormorant Scroll. It was a special one; one of four to represent the four elements. She had been trusted with their safety upon her initiation as Keeper. She had said the words, made the promise, sealed them in magic. They were bound to her.

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