Chapter Sixteen - Towards the Light (Marcus)

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Marcus had not moved as quickly as he did getting to the Grand Library in a very long time. He bolted from where he left Avosa and fled through the Citadel like he was being chased by death itself. How could he have been so blind? Why had he not foreseen this tragedy? If the scrolls were gone, there would be no resurrection until they were found, if they even still existed. What could Lucinde want with them? Where had she gone?

Marcus almost fell down the last flight of winding stairs leading to the archives. He was able to save himself swiftly by grabbing hold of the railing and then leaping down the last few steps all at once. He landed awkwardly on his heels and felt a stab of pain shoot up his legs. How old he felt just then. He had not felt such pain in a long time. It took him a few moments to recover. He was thankful he was alone.

He proceeded to the gate of the Grand Library and found Squire Dalaigh asleep at his post. His head was resting on his arms, which lay on the desk covered in documents waiting to be translated. More annoyed with time being wasted than finding the youth asleep, Marcus gave the lad a little shove and called out to him, "Dalaigh, get up, I need to get into the archives."

It only took Dalaigh a few moments to realize that the Chancellor was standing in front of him waiting. He shook off his fatigue and apologized left and right about being caught asleep after midday.

"I am not concerned with how you are spending your time, what concerns me is locked behind that gate." Marcus pointed to the archaic archway that loomed in front of him and tapped his foot.

"But, my Lord, they did not tell you?" Marcus raised his eyebrows, silently urging the Squire to continue. When he didn't, Marcus let out a long sigh.

"Tell... me... what?" Marcus said very slowly and clearly, as if silently urging the boy to be quick about it.

"It's no longer spelled my Lord. The doors... the runes... they're unlocked, my Lord."

Marcus stared at the young squire before letting out an angry groan and pushing his way through the two large rounded doors.

Marcus stared at the young squire before letting out an angry groan and pushing his way through the two large rounded doors

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The coffer in the escritoire was still open, its contents taken. Elder Valmont must not have known what to look for when he had surveyed the room. All he had known was that Lucinde had taken leave quickly and left the archives unattended. Perhaps he thought merely in her absence the doors had lost their enchantment.

Marcus knew better.

He had been shown the coffer once before, many years ago by Lucinde herself. And now it lay barren, empty like how Marcus felt inside. He thought of Avosa, and what he would say to her after all his talk about her coming resurrection. It now may never happen. Unless...

Unless they could locate Lucinde and the scrolls. Elder Valmont must know some sort of spell to find her. He was endowed with magical abilities which helped him protect Bolster City. It was their only hope.

"Sound the bells, Dalaigh." Marcus sensed a question about to arise from the squire and quickly added, "Don't ask why, just ring the bells. Now." He made haste out of the archives and up the winding stairs, down the east corridor, through the Great Hall, and out towards where he left Avosa and the others.

He was just about to open the front entrance when it swung open, and the party he searched for was heading towards him, into the Citadel.

"Uncle Marcus!"

Marcus looked at Avosa with solemn eyes. Marcus held up his hand and gestured for her to wait a moment as he began to address Elder Valmont.

He was cut off by the Elder. "Let us three," he said, motioning towards Avosa and Marcus, "make our way to my quarters. Fewer eyes and ears about. We don't need to ensue a panic now that the bells have been sounded twice in one day." He looked almost scornfully at Marcus, as if scolding him for letting out some secret. Marcus had just done what any man would have done in his position. Though Marcus was the only person he knew who had been placed in such a position. And, as if Dalaigh could sense his Master's disapproval, the bells stopped.

The two of them followed Elder Valmont to his quarters. Avosa noticed how agitated and stricken her uncle looked. Like he had seen a ghost or come face to face with the Dark. When Marcus noticed his niece eyeing him, he tried to ease her worries and said, "It will be all right, Avosa, just a little detour is all this is."

The Elder's quarters were quaint, yet decorated with such splendor that Avosa looked like a girl entering a queen's chamber for the first time. Long red velvet drapes hung open from all the windows, and a matching canopy lay over the Elder's king-size bed. A small desk was placed on one side of the room, and on the other was a fireplace and seating area where the Elder made his way to now. He sat down on a large blue cushioned chair and let out a sigh of relief to be off his feet.

 He sat down on a large blue cushioned chair and let out a sigh of relief to be off his feet

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Avosa and Marcus followed suit and chose their places to sit. Marcus took the other cushioned chair and left Avosa one of the small wooden ones.

Elder Valmont spoke first. "So, I take it the scrolls are gone as well?"

"Yes, my Lord. Though there is still hope. If we could just find Lucinde, she may still have the scrolls with her."

"My child, I know what it is you are going to ask, and I can tell you now, that it is beyond my current limits."

"My Lord, you have access to the Magics, you can help us find her," implored Marcus.

The Elder simply hung his head a bit lower. "My child, all my power is bound to the walls and the men who protect Bolster City. I could perhaps help you find the enchantment you seek, but I could not carry it out for you. You must find another."

Marcus looked slightly defeated. "It will take days to reach another Elder, my Lord. I fear by then it will be too late. We needed the scrolls today. The Soulless are at our doorstep, and Avosa is powerless to stop them."

"There is another who can help you," assured Elder Valmont. "There is a witch in the city. She is strong. I've felt her presence here and sensed the good within her through the work she's been doing for our people." Marcus leaned forward in his seat.

"How do we find her, my lord?"

Elder Valmont looked to Avosa. "She can take you to her."

"Me, my Lord?" questioned Avosa.

"The young woman, Elise, whom you just met with your aunt outside these doors. She's the one. Seek her out; she will now become your beacon to the Light."


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