Chapter 21 time to get out

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Gulf was really excited, he talked with the doctor and and the man told him that Lhong was about to be discharged. He bought a black forest cake and went to the hospital with his brother and Tharn. 

Tharn and Type decided that it was better to leave them alone. As Gulf entered Type looked at Tharn and said

"I know that it might sound weird since I'm the one saying it but... they're cute, aren't they?" Tharn smiled but they suddenly heard Gulf screaming and the box with the cake falling onto the floor. 

"What's wrong ai Gulf? OH MY GOD NO!" Type said as he entered. he was worried that something bad happened... and he was right. Lhong was laying on the floor, the was a little box full of pills near him. 

Gulf was too shocked to rescue him so Tharn remained near Gulf to help him calm down and Type came closer to Lhong. 


Nothing. He was unconscious, the reason seemed clear, he took a pill to sleep... then another... and another one... until this. A nurse heard Type screaminug so she ran and reached Lhong's room. She immediately called a doctor and asked the three guys to leave the room. 

"Impossible... that bastard... I knew he was selfish..." Type said, he was angry, he felt so disappointed, he let him love his brother and this is what he got? 

"b... but ai Type...."

"Shut up ai Gulf, it isn't time for your lovebird's speech... if he wants to die I will let him do so, I'm tired... I'm sick of his behaviour... do you want him as your boyfriend? Well, dream on!" Type replied as Gulf stuttered just those few words.

As the doctor came out of Lhong's room Type stood up and looked at Tharn

"Let's go" Tharn nodded. Type looked at his brother who was about to ask something, he wanted to know what happened but Type immediately grabbed Gulf's wrist

"I said let's go"

"But ai Type..." Gulf said, he was really tired after all that, his eyes were red after crying for an hour

"I said.... let's go" 

"Ai... Gulf... " a weak voice came out of that room, Lhong was calling him, he wanted to see him... he needed to see him, the only reason of his life

"Hes calling, I can't come with you brother!"

"Shut up and go! I don't want to see you with him again! Just look at you! He keeps hurting you and you still love him, what do you think that I should do?! I lost you once, do you think that I can accept something like this again?" Type shouted, his words were showing the anger in his mind... his trembling voice was showing how much he was worried 

"Ai ... Gulf... "

"..." Gulf heistated, maybe his brother was right, Lhong tried to kill himslef again... he couldn't just save him everytime if Lhong didn't want to live anymore... 

"Where are you going? You should rest sir!" the doctor said as Lhong got out of his room, leaning on the doorframe since it was too difficult to stand without a support and just imagine the efforts to reach that point

"Ai Gulf... where are you.... going?" 

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