Chapter 17 stop it...

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Tum was driving and Tar was sitting beside him. At the beginning Tum was just cursing Lhong like he always did since he knew what happened and Tar remained silent.

"I hope he gets what he deserves..." 

"P' Tum! You should stop now! You don't know what happened to him..." Tar replied.

"What are you talking about? He raped you and you're justifying him, I really don't get you" 

"P' Tum... Tharn told me what happened, and why he ended up in the hospital..." Tar started

"What? He played with some friends?" Tum said making fun of Lhong's situation without knowing what actually happened. 

"He got gangraped... for a whole month..." Tum stopped the car


"You should continue driving P' Tum..."

"What do you mean that he got..."

"You know what I mean... they talked about a trauma... I think that it might be a lot more difficult to recover from that..." 


"Yes P' Tum... I know that you don't want to apologize but can you stop trying to kill him for a while at least? If you know that you can't control yourself try to avoid the hospital" Tum nodded and they finally got back home. Tum didn't talk for the rest of the day. 

Tar called Tharn

"P' Tharn... how's he?"

"He's calm now, he's sleeping, Gulf is sitting beside him so that Lhong won't panic if he wakes up all of a sudden" 

"Do you think that... he will recover?"

"I don't know... I feel so bad ai Tar... I thought that I wanted him to live in a living hell but... now... it looks like he's trying to redeem himself... he don't want to be a burden... and Type thinks the same thing..."

"P' Tharn, you don't have to worry, I convinced my brother to stop this stupid war with Lhong for a while... so at least you won't have fights in that hospital" Tar said laughing, but his happy smile for a silly joke turned into a sad expression.

"Thanks ai Tar... bye"

"Bye..." as Tar left the phone he went to his room, he noticed that the door of his brother's room was open so he entered and noticed that he was crying with his face buried in a pillow

"P' Tum are you ok?"


Tar sat near him and patted his back trying to calm him down

"calm down P..."

"when he paid those men... he had a reason.. no reasons are enough important to justify a rape but... he had a plan... those men in the prison instead.... they did that just because.... just because it was... funny probably..."

Tum stood up and hugged his younger brother, then he immediately ran downstairs

"Where are you going P' Tum?"

"To the hospital" Tar's eyes widened 


"Yes, I have to do something important" 

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