Chapter 19 not again

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"Tharn, stay here ok?" Type said as he entered Lhong's room. The situation got much better in a few minutes. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Type shouted looking at Tum, Lhong sat on his bad and grabbed Tum's hand

"Ai Type! I'm... I'm ok!" Lhong said

"are you sure?" Type asked and LHong immediately nodded. 

"get out..." Type said looking at the ground. Tum stood up but Lhong was still holding his hand, he looked at the guy on the bed

"Thank you ai Tum..." Lhong said smiling, Tum smiled back and got out. As Tharn saw him he didn't even talk to him and got inside the room. 

"What happened?" he asked

"nothing ai Tharn, you don't have to worry about it..." Type replied

"he's... sorry..." Lhong said without looking at Tharn, it was still difficult to look at him, Tharn's face reminded him what he did and who he was and he didn't want to remember that anymore. 

"Let's leave ai Tharn" Type said grabbing his arm and leaving. Gulf was the only one left in the room with Lhong. 

Gulf was on a chair near the window and Lhong was reading his book when he closed oit and looked at Gulf. It took him a few minutes to notice that Lhong was looking at him with an hesitant expression, he was like a guy who wants to ask for a present that he knows he won't receive. 

"Are you ok ai Lhong?" Gulf asked

"Ummm... ai Gulf..."


"Can you.. come closer?"

"Ok" Gulf said and stood up. He then sat on Lhong's bed.

"What may I do for you ai Lhong?" Lhong didn't know what to answer, he didn't even know what he wanted

"N... nothing... I just wanted..."

"Cuddle?" Gulf said smiling and ruffling his hair. In that moment, when Lhong was about to say what he really wanted, Tar arrived

"P' Lhong..."

"Ai Tar!" 

"I know you made up with my brother... I wanted to thank you for this..." tar said coming closer to him. 

"Ai Tar... I ... I..."

"You don't have to worry, i know what happened... you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm really sorry for what... what happened to you P' Lhong..."


"Shh, I just wanted to tell you this, I hope that you will be able ot move on like I did... and forget that... episode... even if I think that you have a ot more episodes that you want to forgot" Tar added with a sad smile. Lhong couldnt reply but he tried to caress his hand. Tar immediately stood up and left. 

For a moment Lhong was sad because of what happened in that moment, for whta Tar said... and because of refusing his hand... it meant so much to him... and Tar refused... but Gulf immediately noticed that and made Lhong look at him. 

In the meanwhile Tar met a doctor outside Lhong's room and asked

"Excuse me sir... are you..."

"If you want to ask me if I'm the doctor of the guy you met in this roo well yes, I'm his doctor, what do you want to ask me?" the doctor said with a pretty annoyed voice

"Is he getting better?" the doctor sighed, his voice sounded sadder now

"Well... slowly ... really slowly... it looks like he really wants to move on but... we still have a lot of work... now I have to go" the doctor said and left. 

Tar looked at the little window in the door of Lhong's room and saw Gulf smiling and ruffling Lhong's hair, he could hear him... he said a strange word but he noticed that Lhong looked much happier as he heard the word... that word had such a story...

"are you ok? Mein Schatz?

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