23. Insults and Compliments

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  "How come you look normal?" Char asked.

  We had all grouped together in my bedroom. Jenny was laying on my bed, kicking her feet, Cho was leaning against my desk with his arms crossed, Char was straddling the desk chair, and Jaxson was standing beside me -we were leaning against the open wall.

  "Thanks, Yellow Eyes," I scoffed.

  "Don't call me that. And you just look like shit. He looks unscathed."

  "Don't say that," Jenny said, frowning. She tossed a throw pillow at him.

  "Don't throw my shit," I sighed.

  "Stop saying shit," Cho added.

  "What did you go through, Aqua," Jaxson asked. He was searching my face for something that was invisible to the naked eye.

  "The Zodiac took me into this room. I thought he was going to follow me in but he didn't. The longer I stayed in there the more the stamina just seeped from my body. It was like there was a vacuum sucking my soul away from me."

  "Where did the Zodiac go?" Jenny asked.

  "Another room that connected to it. There was this window that took up one wall. I could see him and talk to him through there."

  "Why were you feeling that way?" Char inquired.

  "He said I would be feeling some small discomfort," I paused to wave my hand around in anger, "because my Air was being repressed."

  "How can they do that?" Cho uncrossed his arms only to cross them again. He looked upset. Not as much as I feel, though.

  Char started to laugh. "So he lied and you got the energy taken out of you to answer stupid questions. What happened to you, Jaxson?"

  Jaxson ruffled his dirty blonde hair. "I was shoved underwater. She would ask a question, shove me under, I almost pass out, she pulled me up, I answered the question, repeat." He shrugged and wouldn't meet anyone's eyes.

  Char stopped smiling and froze. "What?"

  "And you let me complain about some major discomfort? Dude!" I shoved Jaxson's arm. He shrugged again, dismissing me quickly.

  "Oh my gosh. Glad I'm not a Gemini," Jenny gasped. "Then again, I don't ever plan on getting kidnapped."

  The four of us stared at Jenny. "What the fuck?" Char said, disgust clear in his voice.

  She shrugged. "What?"

  Way to go, Jenny. You said that in front of two Gemini. One of them being scary and the other who's been through some stuff. We'll just stand back and watch while you finish what you started.

  "Anyway," I said. Excluding Char, they looked back at me. He was still glaring at Jenny. I would be too.

  "So do you guys go back to classes?" Cho asked.

  I shrugged. "They didn't tell me anything. He just told me to leave and a candy-striped woman let me out."

  "Gemini Zodiac said I had to wait for the results."

  "Well, if they didn't trust you, they would already be here," Char stated. "They must believe whatever you both said."

  "What did you guys tell them? What kind of questions did they ask?" Jenny stopped kicking her feet. She placed her hands under her chin.

  "I don't remember. Was trying to survive, ya know?" Jaxson shrugged, rubbing his neck.


  The bell rang, letting us escape from any more questions. "Shoot!" Jenny exclaimed. She tripped over my sheets trying to get up. "Class. Gotta go. Let's go, Cho."

  Jenny was half out of the door. Cho hesitated. He looked torn. "I'll come to see you later," he said.

  I nodded and waved him away before he was late. Char watched them leave. He sank further into the chair and blew out a breath of air.

  "Which class is it supposed to be?" Jaxson asked.

  "Russian. I told them I wasn't going to learn that language. I already have so many others. If they want someone to speak Russian for them, they can ask somebody else who took the class."

  Jaxson nodded. "Seems fair. Have any other classes scheduled?"

  Char shrugged. "You know I don't pay attention to that stuff."

  "You're not going to class?" I asked.

  Char tilted his head in my direction. "Is she always this charming?"

  Jaxson chuckled. I was not amused. This was not amusing. Why was he laughing? "Less or more," he replied.

  "No, Aqua," Char said, "I am not going to class. You don't mind if I hang with you guys, do you?"

  I rolled my eyes. The last thing I was going to do was fight with Char while the Zodiacs are deciding if I'm allowed to stay or not. Not responding, I collapsed onto my bed and exhaled.

  "I want to go back," I heard Jaxson whisper.

  The room fell completely silent. Of course, he wanted to go back. He felt like that was his home. Where he belonged.

  I wasn't sure where my home was anymore. It certainly wasn't back at that house with that woman. But I wasn't so sure it was here anymore. They couldn't just talk to me like a normal human with loyalty to the Zodiac System? They had to shove me into a room that stunned my powers and ability to think right?

  That wasn't fair.

  "What did the hag ask for this time?" Char asked. He tapped the chair in the same rhythm as he had in the library. It sounded vaguely familiar, but nothing I could place easily.

  "My aunt is not a hag, Char."

  "Potato, tomato."

  "Wait," I exclaimed, jumping up to a sitting position, "you knew?"

  His yellow orbs locked onto my gaze. "About Jaxson's aunt?"

  "Don't play stupid with me. You knew about him wanting to leave. And going to join those amateurs that want to overthrow the system."

  A smirk tugged at his lips before he just let it take over. "And?" His gaze was burning, daring me. What was it daring? And what had given him the new spark in his eyes?

  "Do you want to overthrow the system?" I asked.

  A smile overtook the smirk. "What does it matter?"

  I stood from my bed. "You want to joint those crazies. I can't believe it. Are all Gemini Signs like this?"

  "Watch your mouth, Aqua."

  "Why are you both calling me that?" I exclaimed.

  "I don't like having to call you another sign," Char replied. Jaxson shrugged.

  "And Leo?"

  "He doesn't deserve the luxury."

  "I do?"

  Char nodded, eyes still shining, mouth still smiling. "Indeed."

  That didn't give me any comfort whatsoever. Especially with the addition of the look he was giving me while saying it.

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