the tamashii country

Start from the beginning


They didn't respond as they were still shouting until they noticed they were falling into what looked like a strangely made castle by the beach

They didn't respond as they were still shouting until they noticed they were falling into what looked like a strangely made castle by the beach

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"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!?!?"shouted red B as they were just above said castle

"HOLD ON!!!"shouted red B as they collided directly with the castle and onto the main throne room of it

The trunk opened on it's own as out of it came Y/n who puked on the ground and the other two came with eleri covering her chest

After Y/n released his load (lol) he then looked at where he was and saw three people sitting on important looking thrones

After Y/n released his load (lol) he then looked at where he was and saw three people sitting on important looking thrones

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Then guards with weird armors came in

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Then guards with weird armors came in

They grabbed eleri as they didn't do anything to red B as one of them inserted a needle in my arm

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They grabbed eleri as they didn't do anything to red B as one of them inserted a needle in my arm

"Ouch!"I winced in pain as I had my attention full on the guards taking eleri in front of the fox woman

The man who I just realized had one arm then looked at the guard who nodded as ten more came my way


The man stood up

"Princess Eleri yokai,daughter of the empress amaterasu is under arrest for following a man who has violated our holy country and is now sentenced to a death sentence for treason

The man who came in with her shall be sent back to his homeland

And you..."he said as he looked at me with a look full of disgust,hatred and anger well hidden behind his words

"The emperor of chaos,chaos himself shall pay for the numerous crimes he has dealt to our country

For he has not only killed half of our people beyond resurrection and took my arm from me

But he also killed our god of the sea,my little brother




Well here's another chapter and with that a nice wholesome meme

Well here's another chapter and with that a nice wholesome meme

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