Chapter Eleven.

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October 17th.


I woke up in a pair of panties, a slither of sunlight slipping through my curtains and blinding me instantly, my hands flying to cover my eyes. A headache was brewing, I could feel it in my forehead as I looked around my room, noticing that the alarm clock read half nine in the morning. It was too early to be up on a Saturday morning, I'd decided as I rolled over, scaring myself when a face almost knocked into mine.

It was a familiar sleeping face, however, probably one that I could get use too. With his hair messily pulled up into a bun and his normally bright eyes shut, the stunning sight brought warmth into my heart. I could see that he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath the covers and I was praying he had on underwear, but I was only focusing on the way his lips kept pulling themselves up into a grin. He must've been having a good dream. Maybe one about watching a kid fall off his bike whilst he was doing a cocky and obnoxious wheelie. Or maybe he was dreaming about causing Liam to have a gruesome death.

No, too far.

But hopefully a good dream.

I couldn't help but watch him in adoration, seeing his chest rise and fall with each inhale of breath. He looked so peaceful and placid, a sight which couldn't ever grow to be tedious. It made my heart swell fondly just at him, my chest hurting as it weeped for me to just reach out and fiddle with a strand of curly hair, maybe push it back to go with the rest of his hair which was tied up. That one loose lock was killing me. It was so cute but so hot at the same time.

I laid there with my head resting in my hand, resisting the temptation to make my lips meet his forehead, or cheek. It was also difficult to contain the smile overtaking my mouth and reaching from ear to ear. I must've looked like a clown with the rosy tint on my entire face and the watermelon simper. I didn't look great in the mornings as it is let alone with the blemishes on my face that were more obvious compared to Harry's clear complexion. It's almost like I could feel the white heads growing on my nose just at the thought.

"Man, you're beautiful." I sighed out loud, looking at him dreamily as he spluttered out a little cough, snuggling into my pillow even more. "And adorable apparently."

I giggled a little bit at him rubbing his face further into my bed, rolling over closer to me and sleepily snaking his arm around my waist, pulling me into his bare chest. I made an 'umph' sound before easing into it, feeling his warm breath atop my hair as he cuddled me like a teddy bear. The heat radiating off of his body was like a personal radiator and as I grew impossibly more comfortable, I felt my eyes fluttering closed once more, falling into sleep once again.


I recognised the area around me to be a waiting room of sorts, the plastic chairs causing discomfort to me as I sat there, a cup of Yorkshire Tea in my hands as I pulled someone's jacket around me for warmth. It wasn't mine, I was sure of that, and the scent was familiar but distant. I didn't feel their presence but I could smell them strongly.

I hadn't noticed the other people within the overly white room, all of them in casual clothes looking tired and worn or nurses in their scrubs running around like headless chickens. So, it was a hospital waiting room.

It smelt of bleach, everywhere reflecting off of everything making it all a slight blur that my mind couldn't quite comprehend. Peoples faces were unrecognisable. I couldn't see five metres in front of me. The pattern on the linoleum floor looked like scribbles and all directions on signs were unreadable. Besides one: Intensive Care Unit.

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