Chapter Eight.

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October 11th.

Niall must've invited him into our apartment and I had to swallow the drool that had gathered in my mouth.

I couldn't help but sit there in amazement as I looked him over multiple times. He wore a tight black blazer, a half unbuttoned white shirt underneath which broadcasted his muscular pecks and toned abs and don't ask me about his choice in pants. Tight, black fitted trousers that not only accentuated his lean legs but also made his behind more curved and prominent, and I could tell he wasn't afraid to flaunt it as he waltzed over to where I was and held out an inviting hand.

My shy, blue eyes met his adventurous, green orbs, a dimpled smile occurring on his face as I took his hand and stood up, brushing myself down with my free, left hand. His naturally curly hair fell in front of his face slightly and it was hard to resist the urge to tuck it behind his ear. He was the closest thing to perfection; sculptured my gods and goddesses. I felt like I was punching far too high above my weight, especially when he kissed the hand he was still holding and leant into my touch when I adjusted his adorably, unruly locks.

He had manners like a prince, but royalty could never have the standard of grace that he had. He had the looks of a masterpiece, but no artist could ever paint such beauty with utmost precision. He had the aura of a candle lit room (minus the smell), but no flame could ever be ignited as harshly as the one he created inside of me.

I blushed as he acknowledged and waved to Zayn and Perrie who were cuddled on the couch, sending me a wink in the brief seconds they took their eyes off of our conjoined hands. I could say the same for Niall who was also staring at us like aliens before winking at me too. "Bring him back by midnight." I heard Perrie say and laugh as we reached my front door, Niall just behind me to wish us off.

"No promises." I yelled back, thanking Niall before he closed the door on us.

I felt Harry halt his walking after a few seconds, so I stopped my feet too and our eyes made contact once again as his hand moved from my own to my waist. His thumb and index finger fiddled with the fabric of Perries jumper, pinching it as his other fingers comfortably rested closer to my ass. It wasn't an awkward silence despite us not knowing each other as well as some. I would've assumed the space between us would've been stale and cold because we'd have nothing to say. The latter was seemingly true but the former was all just lies built up inside of my head.

"It's hard to believe we barely know each other." Harry stated quietly, his deep but enticing voice assisting the shivers running down my side that were already there due to the placement of his hand. "Midnight conversations and run ins at random places don't make a connection usually yet I feel like I've known you for years."

I looked up at him curiously, wondering why the sudden talk had come on. I was prepared to get drunk and horny, not intimate and personal even though I don't mind that either. "That's why we have tonight, eh? To get to know each other a little more in depth." I smiled up at him, ignoring my hatred for the crinkles by my eyes.

"You know you're beautiful, right? I can see you holding yourself back but I don't think I've ever seen someone who is as pretty as you are."

"Are you drunk already?" I laughed his comments off, hoping that maybe he was slightly intoxicated so that this was all just a slur of bullshit but his look faltered from one of interest to one of alert.

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