
T.T Aight...Let's do it tomorrow night. *Winkwinkface* Let me know if you have reached home k?

Reading at Jungkook's reply made Jin smiled giddily, thinking on their next friendly-date in the waterpark.

The clock on his laptop shows 10PM, the office was already empty. Jin heard the last footsteps of his colleague walking towards the elevator, he quickly shut his laptop and stuffed it in his bag, rushing towards Taehyung's office. He knocked softly on the door, before slowly peeking in.

Taehyung eyes widen in surprised. He didn't expect anyone was still around during this time, let alone Jin. He quickly stood up and opened the door wider for Jin.


"Come in." Taehyung's replied was cold, he didn't even bother looking back at Jin.

"Are you ok? You seemed...distant? Is there anything bothering your mind?" Jin sat on the very couch he sat when he first learned Taehyung's position in the company.

"Nothing." Taehyung back faced Jin, as he stare blankly out of the dark window.

Jin stood up, walking towards where Taehyung was standing. He gently place his hands on Taehyung's left shoulder, slightly nudging him, "Taetae..if I ever did anything wrong to you, I'm sorry. I miss the old you, and I'm pretty sure Jimin too. We miss you."

Taehyung snorted, he turned around to face Jin. His gaze turned dark. In a swift motion he pulled Jin into his arms.


"Please...Jin. Let me stay this way for a while."

Taehyung slowly shut his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent coming out from Jin. He remember vividly how they used watch movie together. Him being sandwiched between Jin and Jimin, both placing their heads on Taehyung's shoulder. He wish he could come back to that time where his feelings doesn't interfere their friendship. But deep down he knew it's an impossible mission, looking at how beautiful, loving and caring Jin has been towards everyone around him. It is an impossible mission to not fall for him.

Jin stood still, he didn't know how to react, nor did he know what to say. He wanted to return the embrace, but only resulted a weak friendly pat on the back.

"Tae.." Jin pulled himself out of the embrace, both his hands on Taehyung's shoulder. "..if something is stressing you out or anything, please know that you can always talk to me or Jimin. We love you and we do care for you."

Taehyung frowned, his facial expression changed in a matter of seconds. "Get out.." Jin was in shocked, he stood still until Taehyung yelled at him this time. "Get out!"

"Tae. I don't know what I did wrong to be treated like this by you. Get a grip, and then talk to me when you're in your right mind."

Jin stomped out, half slamming the office door, quickly grabbing his bag and rushed home.


"I'm home."

The apartment was dark when Jin entered. Looking for signs of his Appa. He was expecting his appa doing laundry or watching K-Drama on the living room. As he enters hallway, the lights automatically turned on, displaying Jaejoong laying unconsciously on the floor.

"Appa!" Jin ran towards the pale body, softly patted the latter's cheek while calling out for him. Slowly, the older's eyes flickered open.


"Appa, what happened? Are you okay? Let's go to the hospital now."

Jaejoong held Jin's arm down. "It's okay. I'm okay. Just a little tired."

"Appa, this is not okay. Junsu hyung called me the other day telling me that you almost fainted in the kitchen. We have to go."

"No Jinnie. No need. I'm just having a lack of sleep. Insomnia kicks in to the peak these few days." Jaejoong plastered a smile, assuring Jin that he was okay.

Jin sighed as he knew there's no point on debating with his appa. The older can be very stubborn at times. He helped Jaejoong up to the latter's bed. Made a cup of warm chocolate milk, which Jaejoong sipped in slowly, enjoying the smoothness of the chocolate froth.

"Thanks Jinnie, you make better chocolate than I do. If this really helps me sleep, I would demand a cup every night before sleep."

Jin nodded, as he took over the now empty cup from Jaejoong. He was about to walk out when Jaejoong stopped him. "Now, don't think of escaping from me Jinnie. Tell me how it went."

Jin knew well what his appa meant. It was about his date with Jungkook. "I'm not running away appa, it's just we both been busy these few days."

"Okay so..how's it?"

Jin smiled reminiscing his happy memories last Saturday. His ears turned crimson when Jaejoong asked if they kissed. "I told you it's just a friendly-date. It's like you and Junsu-hyung going out to play."

Jaejoong scrunches his nose. "Ewhh...Junsu is waaaay far from my type. It's like you and Jiminie. How'd you like that Jinnie?" He let out a smug.

"Ewwwh too appa. Not happening."

Both father and son laughed out their conversation, until the older slowly fall asleep. Jin turned off the light and walked out of the room. Back at his room, he turned on his laptop, searching for fainting symptoms. The results came out quite varies. From a simple insomnia, fatigue to something as severe as cancer. He hoped it's not the latter. The only way to find out is a medical check up in the hospital.


Yunho's been out of the country most of the time as he will need to attend investment partners events and meetings. November was about to end, and that means the family dinner is coming soon. In two weeks to be exact. He caught a cold while he was in London, and now he's picking up his prescriptions in the hospital. When he heard a very familiar laugh. The laugh that once calms him during his bad days, the laugh that he will never forget. "Hahaha...Yes. Doctor said I'm fine...I'm on my way back. See you." He turned his head and saw a glimpse of a familiar face entering the elevator with his phone on his ears.

"Number 30, Mr. Jung Yunho." the pharmacist called out, but instead he ran towards the elevator. He metal door closed right about the time when he reached the button. It was too late. Yunho quickly sprint towards the emergency stairs, running over every two steps, almost jumping down the whole set of stairs in speed. He reached the ground floor. He tried to grab the door handle but it was locked. There was a sign on the door saying that the door only opens during emergency. He kicked the door and cursed out of frustration.

"Fuck..! Jaejoong.....My Jaejoongie..."


Author's Note:

How y'all doin'? It's suga's day! Yay! Originally, I wanted to insert some Yoongi's scene. But decided not too force it since it's suppose to be in a few chaps ahead.

Anyways....see ya' on the next chappie!

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