Chapter 7 ((SMUUUUT))

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This is...

The moment...

You have ALLLLLL been waiting for...



Okay yeah I'm sorry I haven't updated at ALL this break. I had 2 very stressful projects and of course spending time with family, both being very time consuming so I apologize for that. Thank you for being patient, and without further ado.... CRAPPY SMUUUUT!!!


This chapter contains sexual content. Please do not read if this bothers you in any way, shape, or form. Also please don't read this if you're under 13. Thanks.



Percy swung Nico into the room and shut off the lights. Terrified, Nico tried to look around, but the room was pitch-black. Somewhere in the room, a lock clicked. Instantly, arms wrapped around Nico.

"I want you so bad Nico," Percy moaned into Nico's ear. Shivers ran down Nico's spine. Percy grabbed Nico's hand and guided him through the darkness. Even for a son of Hades it was hard to see.

Nico was suddenly pinned against a wall and lips collided with his. Percy ground against Nico, causing pleasure to fill him. He almost came right there and then.

"P-percy stop. I'm gonna-" Percy suddenly pulled away and Nico felt his presence vanish. A moment later, the lights flickered on and Nico gasped.

Percy was standing in front of him completely naked. Nico felt himself blush hard as Percy stepped toward him.

"Well?" Percy purred. Nico felt his already hard cock stiffen even more. Nico was so blind by lust that he didn't even control what happened next.

Next thing Nico knew, he was crouching in front of Percy with his mouth around his manhood. Percy let out a loud moan.

"Gods that feels so good," Percy huffed. Nico smirked to himself when he saw that Percy was unconsciously shoving his hips forward for more pleasure.

"That feel good?" Nico murmured as he slowly sucked on the head. Percy let out an extremely loud moan.

"O-o-oh yeah!" Percy yelped.
"NICO!!!" Nico felt his eyes widen as Percy came in his mouth. He tasted like... Salt?

Percy panted heavily and sank to the floor.

"Oh my gods that was amazing. Have you been practicing or something?" Percy joked breathlessly.

"Maybe," Nico mumbled, blushing hard.

"Oh that's hot," Percy groaned. Next thing Nico knew he was being swept into the air in Percy's arms.

"Your turn," Percy purred. Percy set Nico down onto the bed and began kissing him hard. Percy trailed his kisses down Nico's neck and to his collarbone and began sucking in all the right places. Need to feel pleasure coarser through Nico.

"Percy I will jack off myself in a second if you don't do something," Nico mumbled impatiently. He was harder than he thought was even possible, and Percy wasn't so soft either.

"Well, there are some things in the way. Guess we'll just have to take care of that." Percy slowly stripped off Nico's shirt and then his pants so only his boxers were left. Percy ran his hands along the bulge that expanded from his boxers.

"You're so sexy," Percy said softly. Nico gasped and bucked upwards at the contact between him and Percy.

Then, his vision was blinded.

Euphoria exploded through Nico causing him to moan loudly. Horniness drove through him as something warm and wet slid across his dick.

"Percy gods percy gods you're so good so good so so so good keep doing that," Nico mumble incoherently. Suddenly, the pleasure exploded into something past euphoria.

"FUUUUUUUU- PERCY!!!" Nico screeched. He came hard and he gasped in pleasure.

"Gods yes," Nico mumbled and collapsed into Percy's arms, breathing heavily. Percy looked at Nico in shock.

"How was that?" Percy asked. Nico opened his mouth to reply, but found that there were no words to describe the sensation.

"Indescribable and past the point of euphoria," Nico breathed. "I love you Percy."

Percy laughed softly. "Love you too, Neeks." Nico fell asleep to the sound of Percy's warm breaths and the feel of his lovers arms around him, protecting him from the cold realities of life.


The last thought Nico had before darkness claimed him was that the experience was so much better with Percy than it had been with Destiny.


Yes, I just did that.

I bet you're all in shock right now at the ending. If not, I'd like you to read it again until you understand because it is VERY important.

Love you and sorry for crappy smut!

Until next time,


Trust Me (a Percico Fanfic; Sequel to Letters to Nico)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora