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I violently jolted awake only to be met with hard wood floor. I groaned as I did my best to get up. I was sure that I had several broken bones, all simatanoesely making me dread being alive.

Hot steam flooded my lungs as I took deep breathes in a frenzy. "You're awake." My eyes drifts over to the Alpha, he sat on the tiles beside the tub with a half finished bottle of vodka in his hands. He wore a thin shirt and black pants which left a little to imagination when it came to his muscular frame.

He took a swig of his drink before he approached me, each step he took cause my heart rate to speed up. I shook violently as he took off my outer layer of clothes. I was cold and going into shock.

With ease he picked me and pulled me against his chest, wherever my skin was in contact with his felt like a million butterflies and sparks were erupting. I hated and loved how good this felt just to be in his embrace. Slowly he placed me into the tub. If it wasn't for my torn shirt and underwear I'd be completely exposed.

My boots and furs laid in a puddle on the floor from the melted snow. My eyes met his as I tried to adjust my breathing, why couldn't I breathe. He sensed my discomfort immediately and cut into his wrist with his in lengthened claws from his other hand.

I winced from the barbaric action, I was too squeamish for this. I was too squeamish for broken bones, I knew if I looked down and my collapsed rib cage and oddly positioned arm I'd pass out. Even the moon goddess herself wouldn't be able to pull me out of the shock I'd go into.

He brought his wrist to my lip as he eyed me sternly, slowly I brought my lips to his wrist which was leaking all over me in the tub. My tongue lapped up his blood slowly, gradually I began to feel a weird sensation. I couldn't help but grab onto his wrist with my free hand and bring it closer.

The whole time he watched me, I could see the amusement on his face. I probably looked like a crackhead who hadn't had their fix in a long time. Suddenly he pulled away, much to my dismay.

I licked my lips to get the last bit of his blood. "Brace yourself."

"What?" Not even a few seconds later I could feel my bones shifting into weird places, I bit my lip hard as I groaned. It felt almost as bad as my first shift.

I could feel the pain slowly subside as I began to relax. I felt a buzz flow throughout my body, as if I was on the highest cloud. I felt as if I had been drugged.

So his blood had healing properties, a bite from a Feral kills a wolf slowly in the most agonizing way possible. So I find it ironic that his blood could heal. I'm sure my wolf would have been able to recover on her own but not as nearly as fast.

"I saved you today." What part of almost killing me was him 'saving' me? I laid still as placed his hand on my head. "That man that scared you, is my Father." His hands seeped into my curls soothingly, I wanted to hum in delight as he ran his fingers through my curls and on my scalp.

"If he finds out you're my soulmate, he will kill you on sight. I won't let that happen. I would have to kill him if he tried. To save you both I had to compromise. Do you understand Nalu?"

I was too captivated on his face to comprehend anything, I gave a short nod as I stared at him in awe.

"You shouldn't fear him, or anyone for the matter. Just me and only me." His hand ran over my eyebrow before trailing down to my lips. On instinct they parted.

"You're not a whore to be disposed of, you're my mate. Don't let my words and actions from today be a reflection of me. It was the only way to sway his suspicion. They could smell my scent all over you, I'm not one, to have females walking around with my scent."

The Feral, Alpha KWhere stories live. Discover now