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"He likes me, he likes me not, he likes me, he likes me not, he likes me, he likes me not." I pluck the last petal in frustration, why did I always get the same answer.

"Wow, you really do have bad luck. Maybe you're meant to be single for the rest of your life I mean maybe the moon goddess really made you mateless." I quickly look up onto the bridge only to make eye contact with Axel also known as my enemy for the last eight years.

My mouth parted but no words came out. I quickly stood up then dusted off my jeans. "What's it to you anyways? Upset because you want all this though you can't have none!" I sneered as I folded my arms and lifted my chin up in the air.

Of course I'd have a stupid comeback in response. Axel wants nothing to do with me, he's made it clear many time before hand. Why do I still provoke him? I don't know, I just can't help it.

"When will you stop being delusional and grow up like everyone else?" Axel laughed as he shook his head. There he is, standing all high and mighty as the sun shines in his perfectly combed blonde hair. What makes it worse is his godly appearance, his captivating blue eyes are a breathtaking.

"I'm not mateless you incompetent asshole!" I shout as I throw the closest thing to me right at his face, it so happened to be a rock.

That would be the moment I hear a loud gasp, my eyes shot up to the Luna's shocked face as she stares at me from the other side of the pond. "NALU, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

Would this be a bad moment to mention that Axel is the Alpha's son? Absolutely.

I jumped back from the pond's edge in fright then dashed away in the direction of my house. IM GOING TO GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE! MOM IS GOING TO KILL ME!

I scramble up the tree closest to my window before pulling myself it and shutting it. I pulled down my blinds causing all sunlight to disappear from my room.

I plopped on my bed as I try to come up with an excuse on why I have harmed the future Alpha for the millionth time. We've been fighting like cats and dogs for years. I was sure he'd be my mate until I found out the moon goddess paired me with no one. I didn't have an other half. But I always say I have mate to those who try to shove it in my face. Why? Because I refuse to be looked down on.

When a pup is born, there eyes are the colour of the moon. This signifies the connection to moon goddess herself. This only last for a few days until the pups eyes turn into their genetic eye colour. Brown, blue, grey and etc.

The problem is my eyes were never beautiful, they never shun like the moon. Instead when I was born they were black. Not dark grey or dark brown, they were black. My father almost killed me, he didn't want an abomination like me to live.

To add more fuel to the flame, I wasn't biologically his pup. My mother was raped by a rogue wolf, a soulless monster. Rouge's have turned away from the moon goddess' light and are no longer sane. Just rabid creatures.

Since my father was not a child of moon goddess, she rejected me as well. I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere. Was I apart of a pack and a child of the moon goddess? Or a half breed abomination? Who knows.

Everyone knew there was something different about me, I didn't have pale skin or blue eyes like my siblings. Instead I had long curly hair, boring brown eyes, and a darker complexion then the rest of my family.

I mean my Dad didn't completely hate me, I resemble my mother too much. The woman he loves with all his heart, his mate. He still blames himself for what happened to her the night I was conceived. They had gotten into a big argument about over cooked pasta resulting in my mother storming out the house and going for a walk. That night the pack was attacked, you can piece together what happened next.

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