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Predictably, when Marley wakes up the next morning, Nero is nowhere to be found. He is obviously let down by it even though it was expected, but he still continues on with his normal routine. At least, normal for isolation.

He's just happy he will be out of here at the end of the day, and he'll be back in Nero's arms and everything will be fine. Well, as fine as it gets in a place like this.

The day goes as Marley expects it to, although he is in a considerably better mood than he thought he'd be. He sleeps through breakfast, something he's aware of because of the tray on his desk. Lola comes in to give him lunch, giving him strange looks the whole time. He actually eats lunch this time, not bothering with the breakfast since it's cold.

Marley spends the majority of the day reading a random book about the similarities between the anatomy of dinosaurs in comparison to birds until eventually, towards the end of the day, his door opens and he's met with the sight of Gilbert. He's wearing his usual uniform and has an emotionless look on his face. Marley immediately gets up from where he'd been sitting on the ground, book long forgotten.

"It is currently 7:00 pm. Your duration in isolation has ended, please gather your belongings and I will escort you out of the building." He says it in a tone that reminds Marley of a robot assistant in your phone. It's probably some sort of protocol, something he's had to memorize.

Marley nods his head and walks over to where he'd put his own clothes. It's just a hoodie and two pairs of sweat pants. After he gets those, he grabs his blanket and makes his way over to Gilbert, who's already opened the door. He lets Marley lead the way as they retrace their steps from a few days ago.

When Marley's finally outside, he takes a massive breath and closes his eyes. The air here isn't as clear as it would be in a springtime meadow, but it's still way more refreshing than the stuffiness of the isolation room.

Marley's about to make a bee line to his room, but he stops when the security guard says;

"Prince Marley?"

Marley pauses at his voice, turning around and staring at the 20-30 year old man in curiosity. Marley shouldn't spend much more time out here anyway, since it's about 30° outside and a corpse adapts to the temperature around it. So, Gilbert better make this snappy.

"Yeah?" Marley replies, raising an eyebrow. He really wants to see Nero and be warm right now so excuse him if he's not exactly smiling.

"If there was something...going on, you would go to management about it, right?"

Marley blinks, feeling a shock of adrenaline jolt through his body. Going on? What? Is he talking about...?

"What do you mean 'going on'?" Marley asks, keeping his facial expression void of anything and restraining his body movements into somewhat of a neutral pose. Not suspicious. Marley knows nothing. Why would he? The prince? Up to no good? Nonsense!

"I mean," Gilbert continues, studying Marley, "I have some suspicions about your roommate, and I'd like to know that if you found out anything that could be potentially incriminating; you would do something about it."

Alarm bells are ringing in Marley's head, though he's hanging onto his composure quite well. Suspicions? Of Nero? "Of course I would," Marley replies like Gilbert is totally stupid and ridiculous to think anything else. The man averts his eyes for a moment. "What suspicions?"

Gilbert pauses for a moment. Marley raises an eyebrow and quirks his lips a sort of half smile.

"He and his crew are just... they're up to something. For a while. I can feel it."

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