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Marley doesn't really have a plan, if he's honest. He just generally wants to escape the situation. He doesn't want to be questioned about his father, not so soon after talking to him. When the two speak, it's usually not a pleasant conversation. There have been a few good times, sure, but they've happened far less as he's gotten older.

Sadly, Marley only makes it a few feet in front of the stairwell before someone calls;


Marley frowns at the familiar voice. He doesn't really want to turn around, but the fact that Nero is talking to him makes him second guess that. Begrudgingly, he turns to face the man standing down the hallway. Nero has his arms crossed over his chest and a raised eyebrow, but Marley is just staring at him in exasperation. Once Nero has his undivided attention, he drops his arms and begins to advance. Marley suddenly starts to grow nervous, and he curses the fact that he left his key chain in his room

"What?" He replies, raising an eyebrow.

Once Nero is a few feet away, he replies, "we need to talk."

Ha! No thanks, Marley has done enough talking for today. He needs to get himself together and there is absolutely no way Mr. Accardi here is going to aid in that whatsoever. It's not even the guy's fault, really. Marley just can't focus around him.

Marley blinks at him, silent for a moment. "I'm good, how about we talk tomorrow."

It's supposed to be a question but it's not, and as Marley turns around to probably go to his hiding space beside the building, the lights flicker.

Okay, whoops? Maybe he shouldn't have brushed off Nero, the guy with anger issues and an extraordinary disdain for his bloodline, so casually.

Marley keeps walking despite this, which turns out to not be a smart idea seeing as Nero catches right up to him so they're walking side by side down the stairs. Marley hasn't the faintest idea why he thought he could escape this man. He hasn't known Nero long, but he gets the sense that he has a problem with authority.

Not that Marley is much of an authority here. Dang. Nevermind.

"How about we don't," Nero replies, voice a bit deeper. Marley assumes it's because they're closer now and they don't have to speak as loud, but it still sends a shiver down his spine. As they descend down the stairs, two other people that look to be about Marley's age pass by them. It only occurs to Marley after they've gone that they'd been giving he and Nero strange looks.

Nero's opinion on the Noconas is pretty well known, and now that Marley thinks about it, they haven't been seen in public together before. That said, it must be pretty strange to see them walking together. For a brief, hysterical moment, Marley wonders what they'd say if they knew the two of them had been sharing a bed for almost a week now. What a joke.

Marley just sighs as they reach the bottom floor, walking out of the staircase and into the lobby area. As they near the door, Marley runs a hand down the side of his face. "Fine, what?"

Nero doesn't say anything as they exit and round the corner of the building. Marley's surprised he's following him so easily. He leans against the wall and slides down. His shirt rides up a few inches, catching on the bricks, but he can't find it within himself to care.

"Well, one, how many times have you talked to your dad since you got here?" Nero asks as he leans his shoulder against the wall beside Marley. He doesn't sit down, just crosses his arms. Marley can feel the man's gaze on him but he wont make eye contact. His nerves are already on fire, thanks.

"Once," Marley replies, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Nero hums, sounding like he doesn't believe him. Whatever. "Two, I want to hear more about what you think he could be dethroned for. In case you didn't notice, you haven't told us a lot, and it's starting to become suspicious."

Atelo [MXB] [BOOK 1] ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ