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"Okay, fine, so what do you think we should do?"

Eli's not happy. Actually, she hasn't been happy since Marley and Nero appeared at their little conspiracy gathering. Late. When he told them that there was absolutely no way this plan was going to include killing his dad (pretty much right off the bat), a bitter, ugly expression took over her features. One he's seen many times. It's her pissed off face, he realizes.

Marley hasn't actually put much thought into an alternate plan. Really, he just doesn't want his dad to be assassinated. It doesn't feel good. He wouldn't wish that on anyone, if he's being totally honest.

"Well, um..." Marley tries to think about it. He's had a hard time with that since he he lost his heart. He's shivering like crazy, seated on the floor with his legs hugged to his chest and his chin resting on his knees. He continues in between shivers; "He could be dethroned. If he was caught doing a crime or something. Then I'd pretty much immediately be king and he'd get sent to prison."

Would prison be better than death? It depends on the prison, Marley guesses. Captain Lux wouldn't send him to one where he'd be in serious danger, because he was still their king and they'll respect him even if he's dethroned. Also Marley will be king and even though the government is a sort of mix between a monarchy and a democracy, he would make sure his father was safe.

What would his mother think? Shit. Also, who even knows if his dad is committing any crimes? At least... ones that can be proven. Not to mention, depending on when they do this, Marley could potentially be king when he's 16. Sadly, the whole you have to be 18 to be king law died off with the war. Marley takes a moment to actually wonder if he's even ready for this. He's not.

"Woah, is your dad a criminal?" Bren asks from his spot against the wall, his legs criss crossed. He looks genuinely interested while everyone else looks pissed off that they're not killing the king. Sorry that Marley doesn't want all of you to get arrested?

"I mean... probably. Most politicians are." Which is so true. It's one of the reasons Marley was never allowed in his father's office. He still remembers one time—he was about ten years old—he decided to sneak in there. He was just generally curious, something to be expected of a kid. Prohibiting a child from going somewhere almost ensures they'll find a way in. That's just science.

"Wait, does that mean you're a criminal?"

They'd been having dinner—you know, back when the royal family still ate dinner together—and Marley had excused himself from the table on the grounds that he had to use the bathroom. Of course, that wasn't what he was really doing. He wanted to see what was in the forbidden room.

He'd snuck all the way up the stairs (two flights, enough to have him out of breath) and down the long hallway that parts off from where the majority of the guest bedrooms are. He was a long way from the bathroom, if he were to be caught he would be out of excuses.

He was almost hoping the door would be locked so he'd have a reason not to go through with this. To wait until another day. His heart felt like it would beat right through his chest. He opened the door without problem, something that only furthered his anxiety.

It didn't take him long to find something curious. Sadly, digging into Marley's memories is about as easy as killing him. He thinks he found a folder, he thinks it had to have been titled something weird for him to actually even look at it.

He'd been examining some books when his father found him in there. What set him off, though, is seeing whatever Marley had been carrying. Was it a folder? Maybe some papers? Something like that. Hell, it might have been a freakin' lap top for all he knew. He's not sure, but it was definitely important for his father to react like that.

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