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Marley is on the sidewalk by the lunchroom, on his way back to his room. He's not hungry and he doesn't want to talk with anybody so he's basically just home bound. Sadly, he didn't count on the fact that taking this route could lead him to run into a certain... person.

"Hey Marley! Where you been today?"

Marley looks up to find Leilani walking towards him with a book in her hand and a bag over her shoulder. She has an easy smile on her face. She looks sincere, like she genuinely wants to know why Marley wasn't in research or school or anything.

Is it real?

"My parents visited," Marley responds, trying to not seem like he knows anything about the conversation he listened in on. It's really bothering him, though, so this might be a bit difficult.

"Oh, how did it go?" She asks, tilting her head as curiosity flickers in her eyes.

Marley really wants to ask her about the phone call, but the reasons why he shouldn't outweigh that urge. This isn't the place for it, he wasn't even supposed to hear the conversation in the first place, and... what would he even say?

So, are you using me for my money? Your mom seems like a dirty fuckin' hag so is this even voluntary?

Marley sighs, then remembers she asked him a question.

"Uh, fine, I guess." Marley responds, scratching his ear. Is it just him or is Leilani standing unnecessarily close?

Wait—Oh god, hopefully she's not actually going through with what her mom was trying to convince her to do. If she starts hitting on Marley, he's gonna have to probably leave and never talk to her again because he's not touching that with a ten foot pole.

Marley jolts when Leilani clasps his forearm. "Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?" Then, "you feel really cold."

Marley takes note of all the people walking around them. What is a reason for him to leave? "Yeah, uhh, that's why I'm gonna go warm up—see ya later."

Her grip tightens right as he's about to take a step, and he doesn't want to drag the poor girl, so he reluctantly stops.

"Is everything alright? You seem... off." She frowns.

It's then that something catches Marley's eye. When he turns his gaze to it, he find it to be a person. Someone that he happens to know—and share a living quarters with. Nero's walking in their direction with Eli beside him and Lenny trailing behind.

Honestly, after that point Leilani could have point blank screamed in his ear and he wouldn't have heard her, his mind too distracted by the trio walking in their direction. Marley knows he shouldn't stare at Nero like this, especially in public, but then the man does something that makes him pause.

It's only a fraction of a second, but Marley knows the just caught Nero's eyes glance at the connection between himself and Leilani. Having glowing red eyes makes it pretty easy to see where a person is looking, and Marley knows what he saw. Usually Nero doesn't even spare Marley a glance in public, so why would he notice Leilani holding his arm?

No, no, it's not a big deal. See? This is how Marley can tell he has a crush, even things as small as that cause him to overthink and jump to wishful conclusions.

"Maaaarley?" Someone is snapping their fingers in front of his face. He blinks and looks down to find Leilani staring up at him. "Did you hear me? I was asking if you wanted me to grow you any food. It seems like you missed lunch."

Wow, Marley really doesn't want to talk to her right now. Who knew his opinion could change about someone so easily? It's like when someone does something so out of the realm of what you're okay with that you don't even know how to handle it. That's exactly what he's going through. Not to mention, he can feel her hand trailing down his arm... towards his hand.

Atelo [MXB] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now