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"Are you serious, Nero? How do you even know he's going to wake up?"

"Actually, I checked his pulse. His heart's still beating. A little faster than normal, actually."

"Not the point, Bren, we can't afford Nero doing shit like this."

"Yeah, what even happened?"

"He broke a rule."

"Why is he so cryptic? Does he honestly think any of us know what that means?"

Marley opens his eyes. He's too disoriented to even know who he is, let alone what's going on around him.

"It means, it was either him or his fish. He got to choose."

"Quick question: how are we supposed to bring down his family and overthrow the government if Nero has rules that get Nocona electrocuted if he breaks them?"

"Yeah, get rid of the rules. He's just gonna keep breaking them—he is a teenager, after all. That's kinda what they do."

"No. They're there for a damn reason."

"What's the reason?"

"Uh, guys, I think he's up."

Marley sits up, feels cushioning on his body, and realizes someone put him on his bed at some point.

What the fuck is going on?

Marley begins to rub at his chest, mostly because his heart beat has slowed down immensely, but it's still not back to normal. It also hurts, and he doesn't want to think about why.

Then a face comes into focus, one recognizable as Lola. She seems to be examining his own face, and he's far too confused to process her hands reaching up until she's messing with his eyes, shining a light in them. Like a doctor. She also reaches up to feel his pulse.

"Wow, you're still not completely recovered." She mumbles.

"Guys, it's nearly time to sign into our rooms. Let's go." Ah, that's Eli. Marley's pretty sure. "We're still meeting at 1, no matter what." She continues.

Lola backs away, letting go of him. He takes that moment to examine his surroundings.

Eli is currently walking to the door, as is Bren. Lola follows them, sending one last glance over at Marley.

"Don't electrocute him this time." She tells Nero, who doesn't seem too happy about her telling him what to do. Marley has a feeling she just made it worse.

Marley feels Nero's eyes on him, but he also far too nauseous to start a conversation. So, he leans back on his bed and pulls a blanket over his head. He closes his eyes and wonders if this is really worth it.


Nero is the one that wakes him up.

He doesn't do it nicely, just shakes Marley's shoulder until the boy comes back to consciousness. He blinks, bleary eyed, up at the man. His adrenaline picks up for a moment at the sight of Nero's glowing red eyes—who wouldn't be scared of those things—but he's able to calm down when he realizes Nero probably isn't going to hurt him. Maybe.

"Get up. We're meeting Eli." He orders elegantly. Marley gets to a sitting position and stands up...

Only to fall right back down. Onto the bed. "Ah, why'd you just have to electrocute me?" He mumbles, frustrated.

"You or your fish, wasn't my choice. Get up or I'll leave you here."

"You won't leave me here," Marley replies. He doesn't elaborate the fact that the rest of them would be pretty upset with the both of them if only Nero showed up.

Atelo [MXB] [BOOK 1] ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora