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My name is Elaina Ross, and I am a normal 23 year old.

I know I can be more, but I'm comfortable.

I think

I don't know if I like it, being simple, after all I live with a free spirit, a peculiar soul, Felix.

He makes it impossible to be a loner. 
I hate the normal cliché days working for those uptight fooney lawye---

"ouch! stupid table" I yell grabbing my pinky toe

"sugar" Felix yelled 

"Felix" I yelled back in pain

"hey honey what's wrong " Felix questioned

"I hate my stupid life, I hate working at that stupid law firm Penrose and Associates for those rich uptight jerks"

"I taught your boss was a female" he questioned,

"Well she is, but she's just one of their female under rated lawyers,she works for Nicklaus the eldest Penrose and Nicklaus works for Dimitri the second Penrose and they all work for Richard Penrose their father"

I say out of breath 

"So the eldest Penrose works for second son" Felix says before a scoff, with his hands on his side processing all the info I shoved at him

"That must cause some drama, but what about the third Penrose, Darron?"

" Damon he's a 24 year old player and party boy, he's also a lawyer but he's barely at the firm, and there's no drama Felix" I say hopping to the bathroom.

After getting ready for work.
I ran downstairs to see Felix polishing his toenails…. in jet black.

Felix and I were roommates in college, we became best of friends, after college I started working for Penrose & Associates as an assistant but Felix was never the work type, he's the ‘stay home and live of his parents money type’, a and a free spirit 

" Anymore tea on the Penrose family drama"

"You know  l don't gossip Fee, they're rich and uptight that's all, you  know if you want to know so much about them why don't you just come work at the firm?" I say kicking the refrigerator door shut, placing a bagel in my mouth.

" Honey you know  i do not believe in Labour, double it and give it to the next person" Felix

"I've been working for the firm for a year and I've never exchanged words with Dimitri Penrose, I've only met Nicklaus once at a meeting when he told me to get him coffee and Damon told me to hold his jacket at a charity event" I monotonously  

The Penrose men are smart, wealthy and quiet, they are never engaged in drama.

"So you've never seen Dimitri"

"Oh I've seen him, but he's the anti social, sort of humble Penrose he doesn't speak unless it’s required, he's always nonchalant and he's by far the richest, because he's smarter, nicklaus has to share is wealth with his wife Charlotte Chevalier the daughter of a multimillionaire and Damon spends his money on models, i have respect for Dimitri Penrose....he has class" 

I say kissing Felix on the forehead, closing the door to the apartment.

"Wait" I hear Felix yell from the apartment. I rolled my eyes and continued down the stairs

After a ten minute drive to the firm with an uber driver that kept playing with his mustache. Weirdo

I went straight to my boss, Ms Gupta, an Indian woman in her late 30s that works in a law firm with mostly male associates. queen

"Good morning miss Gupta you have a meeting in 5 minutes" I report to her with my notepad clutched tightly in my palms 

"Why am I just hearing about this?" 

"Mr Dimitri Penrose just sent it to your email a minute ago"

"Did he say why" she questioned her brows furrowed

" No ma'am" I tap my fingers on the notepad nervously

"OK" she replied, making her way to the conference room.

After the meeting, I saw Dimitri Penrose entering his office I could smell his cologne from across the room

“The scent of power and wealth” i whispered quietly to myself

He was in a black suit, Armani I think, with his left hand tucked in his pocket. He seemed well-calculated, you know those people who always have an answer to a deep and complicated question. He was the kind of person that could read into your soul, a person who's not afraid of crowds and stares, a person who knows what to say and when to say it at all times

That's him, maybe I can't read him, unlike his brothers, they are very pellucid. 

Ms Gupta came out of the meeting flushed and headed straight for her office, she alway seemed somewhat anxious.

"Elaina!" she yelled 

I rushed in her office immediately 
" Yes!" 

"I need you to umm....find the Peter Sand’s case file, Mr Penrose needs them" she responded her voice cracking 

"Do you need me to take them to him" I questioned hoping she'd say yes

"No I'll do it" she answers with her fingers entwined, as she scans her desk


I nod and turned to exit her office

"Elaina" she called out, I turned facing her

" umm I- I need you to umm do it- bring the files to him, he needs it by 8pm"

I nod again and turn heading out with a grin on my face.

The Gods never fail.

This is the first chapter. I know it's short but the others will be longer.
P.s I know there's incorrect grammar. 

Remember to follow me and vote guys ;)


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