Entry 48

807 55 12

Dear fucking paper,

So apparently my apology was not fucking approved by the money fag or pain in the ass. So I had to REWRITE it again.

Here is what I gave fish face.

Dear Kisame,
Kakuzu and Leader told me to write you a apology since I am BANNED from being near you. I guess I am sorry, but the fish and you had it coming. It was fucking funny, seriously, lighten up sometimes. Anyway, I guess I apologize for suffocating your dead sibling in your pillow.


That is the best they are going to fucking get, and luckily they accepted it saying the same thing. I also gave myself the liberty to give him my other shit letter so, haha.

Also, I am itching to sacrifice. The money hogger now banned me from BOUNTY hunting, like seriously?? First going outside, next fishy, now bounty hunting? Thats the only fucking way ill be able to sacrifice!!

Once I fucking get my scythe back, Im slaughtering everybody. Starting with Leader.

Everyone is DEAD meat to me, such fucking hypocrites. They do bad things but don't get punished, but when poor Hidan does, HE GETS FUCKING GROUNDED


Im a fucking adult and a S ranked criminal! I can handle myself!

Now I'm a laughing stock, I can basically feel the fucking sound waves of laughter coming from Blondie and puppets room! They are mocking me!

This is fucking blasphemy. Damn heathens.

Oh hell. I really wished I used that money Kakuzu gave me to actually buy a new journal..

I only have two more pages left! Crap! Well I better make the most of it..

-Your infuriated Jashinist, Hidan.

(AN: I am going to stop this book for a while, and start the next Akatsuki's journal. Well im ending this on the 50th entry, then starting the next one, which will probably be Deidaras. Then after that ill update this one. Each Journal/Diary I make of the Akatsuki are going to be connecting to the plot in this one. each their own perspectives of the situations that happen in here. Thank you for the support in this book! )

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