Entry 47

819 62 39

Dear fucking Journal,

IM HAPPY! Im not on fucking lock down anymore! Well...let me rephrase that in a moment.

Im still stuck on fucking extra Bounty Hunts.

Not that I mind much, I still get sacrifices.

Anyway, I hid a fish under Kisames pillow last night.

Don't ask me why I heard shrieks in the middle of the night.

Don't ask why everyone woke up and started getting into guarding stances

Dont ask me why Deidara exploded a hole in the wall at 2:30 AM

Don't ask me why Kakuzu kept glaring at me during this all

And don't ask me why I am again on lock down according to Kakuzu.

And don't ask me why I am writing in this journal and currently brainstorming Ideas for an apology letter.

I told kakuzu to leave me alone while I fucking brainstorm, and I think he laughed. I think he said something about me being STUPID.

HAHH, no. I'm smarter than Tobi, so..TAKE THAT.

Anyway, here is my letter so far.

Dear Fish face,

I am fucking not sorry that I opened the fridge, and grabbed one of your sibilngs that didn't get a proper funeral and was just shoved in a store. I am not sorry that I accidentally ripped the fishes tail off and hid it in the bathroom cabinet. And I am not sorry that you were uncomfortable sleeping with a fellow family member. Thats incest Kisame, shame on your fucking ass.

Its great so far, maybe Ill add a little about how he is going to pay for the damages instead of me, and pay for a new fish....

ill fuck with y'all later, bye cocksuckers.

-You're not sorry Jashinist, Hidan.

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