7. Pᴀʀᴇɴᴛᴀʟ Cᴏɴғʀᴏɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

615 24 9

"What about your family?"

"Oh, mine? It's real easy..."

~Andrew Clarke & John Bender


"What's your lunch," Michelle asked Peter, now back to her original seat. "Just soup," he simply answered. "Oh, so it's about as boring as your personality," Flash's contumely interrupted, "Makes sense." Michelle aimed the toothpick from her deli sandwich at the back of Flash's head. Bullseye!

The targeted boy swiveled in his seat to send her a glare, but she just reciprocated with an innocent smile. "What's that," Michelle then pointed to Liz's lunch. "Sushi," Liz was quick to answer with a hint of enthusiasm. "Sushi?" Peter was questioning as well. "Isn't that like raw fish or something," Flash scrunched his nose. "And other stuff," Liz defensively stated. "Rich people have weird taste," Michelle mumbled to herself.

Flash continued past the ruckus of curious people, emptying the contents of the large lunch sack he brought. There were lots of things: a burger, fries, salad, chocolate, even an apple. As he looked up from setting aside the brown bag, he noticed all eyes were on him. "What," he asked through the amused expressions plastered on the others faces. "The season's about to start, I need to bulk up," before anyone could reply they heard the rustling of a box, and the others turned around to Ned's direction.

Ned, being the geek he is, carried around a Star Wars lunchbox that he's had since his elementary days. Since everyone was distracted with what they brought, he thought it'd be a good time to unveil his meal. Inside was tortilla chips, a container of guacamole, and cookies and brownies. His stomach was aching for the sweet things first so he grabbed them from its bags and set everything else aside. In an instant, he made a sandwich with the goods, stacking a brownie on top of a cookie and another cookie on top. As he was eating it, the attention of the others were now on him. He stared back with just as much confusion, but still ate his "brookie" apart from the stares.

They carried on eating, for a second, without interrupting the others. Michelle was finishing her sandwich when she looked up and saw Peter staring at her. She threw a confused brow his way and he pointed to the right corner of his lips. He was indicating to the smidge of mayonnaise from her sandwich with bits of crumbs smearing the area of her face. Realizing this, Michelle quickly wiped at it. She turned up again to see his smug expression; with a roll of her eyes, her attention was back to her own food.

After finishing said food, Michelle crumpled the paper bag with the deli logo on it into a ball. She proceeded to shoot the rubbish into a trash bin nearby, while hollering in her mind "Kobe!" (A/N: R.I.P to a legend, his legacy Gigi, and everyone else who suffered in that accident)

Something caught Michelle's eye; more so, someone. At her seat, Betty Brant was hardly eating as she was actually doing what they were tasked to do. Or trying to, anyways. It was hard to really find a good reason why she was here, when she wasn't the one on the other side of justice. Michelle didn't care too much on her struggling expression though. She was just bored.

So the girl hopped out of her seat, stalking over to the blonde. She sat herself on the corner of the girls' table across from the school's very own reporter. Betty looked up to find her inspecting her blue flower printed lunch bag. Meanwhile, everything was silent as the others around them were watching as well.

Michelle took out the items from the bag. "Water bottle, celery, ranch; hmm not exactly my choice. Bag of almonds, oh peanut butter and jelly sandwich but... whole-wheat?"

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