Cherry Red

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might_like_girls wanted a fluffy cute Penelope Blossom shot. And, what if Penelope was just nice wit+h Sass? Everything's the same though, and Penelope divorced her husband because he's a fucken asshole, hope you like it, enjoy!



Y/n heard giggles coming from inside the room, and honestly hoped both women were clothed. "Cheryl? Toni? Can I talk to you ladies for a minute please?" She called through the door after knocking, waiting for a response.

The door opens a few seconds later, a less than pleased Cheryl opening the door and a blushing Toni sitting on the bed. "Yes, Y/n?"

Taking a deep breath, Y/n pulled out a small box as she stared down at it. "I know you don't like me, but I love your mom. A lot Cheryl, and I know you're happy she's happy because I saw the weight lift off your shoulders when she admitted she loved me months ago. So, with your permission, of course, may I ask your mom to marry me?"

"Awe, Miss Y/l/n!" Toni gushes, a embarrassed smile coming to Y/n's lips, but her eyes stay on Cheryl.

"You do make mumsy happy... after everything she's been through. Father couldn't make her happy like you can. So yes, I give you permission, but so help me, if you do anything to hurt her, the Serpents and I will make your life hell and you will be living out of a cardboard house when I'm done with you. Understand?"


"Good!" Cheryl smiles, before grabbing the box and flipping it open. Y/n hoped the diamond was enough, she didn't come from money and she was still paying off some loans. Never go to doctor school kids.. even after switching her career, she still had to pay those loans off.

Cheryl hummed at the diamond, but gave it a nod. "Small, but it'll do. When do you plan on proposing? Do you have an idea?"

"I have a small idea.. but I'm not sure."

"Entrez, let's talk." Y/n grabbed the small box from Cheryl's hands and walked inside, hoping the plan wasn't over the top.


As expected, it was over the top. Cheryl wanted to have roses spell out, "will you marry me?" But Y/n shook her head. She nearly vetoed all of the red-heads ideas and Cheryl was exasperated.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Y/n let out a small hum, before smiling. I've been working on a charcoal painting of her.. it's not really the kind of thing I like to do or use, but she liked my earlier works and I hope she'd like that."

"I think she'd like that Miss Y/l/n."

"Toni, you can call me Y/n, we aren't in school right now." The pink haired serpent blushes and gives her teacher a nod.

"I think she'll like whatever you do Y/n. Especially since it's coming from you."

"Thank you, Cheryl, for giving me your permission. Um, dinner might be a little late tonight, but it'll be good, promise." Y/n quickly makes her exit, walking to her bedroom and pulling out the large drawing.

She finishes up the finishing touches, before rolling it up and trying it with a red ribbon. Y/n hides it again, before walking to the kitchen and starting on dinner.

Dinner is oven roasted chicken, steamed carrots, homemade rice pilaf and a summer salad. And by the time Penelope gets home, Y/n's pulling the chicken out of the oven. "Darling." Y/n smiles when she hears her girlfriend's voice, immediately walking over and pulling the red-head in for a kiss.

"Just in time, dinner's done. Go get cleaned up, dear."

"Marry me?" Penelope asks softly. Y/n stopping and looks up at her girlfriend. "God, I love you. Marry me, please?" She pleads. Y/n stays silent, before slowly nodding.

"Yes, oh my god, yes." Penelope beams, pulling Y/n in for a deep kiss. When they pull away for air, Y/n lets out a loud laugh.

"You ruined my plans red." Y/n chuckles out, pulling out the ring from her pocket. "I was gonna ask later, but here," Y/n slides the ring on her fiancée's finger.

"I love you." Y/n chuckles, pulling Penelope in for a kiss.

"I love you too cherry red."

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