"What the—!"

"If she falls and dies, it's not fault."

Savanna turns around and starts walking out of my room and down the stairs while I wiggle in her hold. "Stop or I'll throw you down the stairs." And so, I stop.

She walks towards her car and puts me down. With her hand grabbing my wrist, she opens the shotgun door and motions me to get in. I sigh and do it.

"Why the hell are you giving me a ride?"

"Who the hell would even give you a ride?"

Ooh burn.

"I mean," I gulp a growl, "why are you helping me?" Savanna snickers and takes a swift turn. "As if. My mom said she won't let me into the house if I don't apologize to you," she rolls her eyes, "mom's got a thing for nosy motherfuckers."

I scoff. "A high school badass and comebacks like this? You need you update your software, honey."

"At least I ain't a nerdy book-insect."

"Nor do you know how to use a gun so shut up."

Savanna scoffs and takes a right turn. With one hand on the steering and another on the gear, she gives me a sideways glance and frowns. At last, she clears her throat and speaks.

"It's like I've seen you somewhere."

I sigh. "Is it the comeback where I ask you 'where?' and you tell 'on Animal Planet'?"

Savanna groans and I chuckle. "That comeback is as old as your slang drive and this smelly car."

This time, Savanna pushes her foot on the brake and stops the car. She grips the steering wheel tightly and faces me. Squinting her eyes, Savanna gives a disgusted slash annoyed look.

"Can't you be serious for a moment?" She seethes, her brown eyes going a bit darker. "I can kick you out of this smelly car and run it over you but I'm tolerating your bullshit for God knows why!"

"I thought you're an atheist."

She sucks in a sharp breathe and grits her teeth. "How do you know that?" I shrug and tilt my head towards the window. "Aman told me."

It's not completely lie. Aman did tell me this, even though it was not directly. The time in Aman's car, we started talking about Trish and then came to Savanna. He gave me a disgusted look and said, "Her atheist ass can go drown in holy water."

Not that Aman is a theist, he just thinks this line is cool. And I somehow think it is.

"That scum of society," Savanna mutters under her breathe and revs up the engine. I look at the brunette and grin.

"You're way too cliché, aren't you?" Savanna raises a brow at my words but keeps her eyes on the road road. I adjust in my seat and giggle. "I mean, he's the school's Golden Boy and you're the Jackass Jock. And on top of that, you hate each other's guts. Just..wow."

"How do you know that I hate his guts?" Savanna enters the car into the school campus. "Guess what, you don't. I don't hate his guts," she heads towards the parking lot, "his existence just irks me."


Is it because his existence has a meaning?"

She enters the car into the school parking lot and opens her mouth to retort. "Not really but—"

"Savanna remove your garbage out of my place!" I look in front to see Aman glaring at Savanna while sitting on his bike. The girl next to me groans and opens her door. "It's my turn, Aman! Back off!"

I pursue my lips and look around. This place of parking lot is empty, or more accurately is avoided. There are cara and bikes and other vehicles here but this one spot is kept empty.

"It's Wednesday. It's my turn, you fool."

"I've got the car so it's mine!"

They keep bickering and at last, Savanna gets the spot because she suddenly drives her car to the place while Aman remains unaware. With a grumble, Aman parks his bike a little further.

When I get out, Aman flashes his million dollar smile at me. "Kaylee, hey!" I greet back and Savanna gets out of the car. Aman looks at the brunette girl and smirks. "Looks like someone is doing their work today."

Savanna sighs. "That would be me."


"Mom made you do it?"

"Who else has the audacity?" Savanna grins and walks toward Aman and stands beside him. That's when I see how similar they look.

Same brown eyes. Same brown hair. Same damn smirk.

But how—

"Well, King, meet Aman Bagchi." Savanna grins. "My useless brother."

But Cupid Says 'No' (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now