
Start from the beginning

Soran hesitates. That only worries me more, but I understand why the moment after Soran creates a triangle shape with his hands. His eyes glaze over black as harsh, broken words pass swiftly through his lips. It feels as if those words surround me, beat against the inside of my head then constrict me until my arms are pinned to my side. The air is zapped from my lungs, along with the strength in my body that simply drops to its knees while I gasp, wide-eyed at the ceiling.

It burns. Where the marks are is a searing pain that slowly moves up my arms to my chest. I don't know how much time passes, only that it feels like an eternity.

Then it's only warm, as if everything simply settled into comfort. I take in a heaping breath that brings tears to my eyes. Soran is already kneeling next to me, hands on my shoulders with a concerned gaze.

"Do you feel alright?" He asks, gently stroking my cheek that immediately leans into his touch.

Although the pain was intense, now there's nothing. I can barely remember what it felt like and now, I can't describe it, but I feel different.

"W-What was that?" I ask, allowing Soran to guide me to the couch. I notice the marking are gone on my arms as if they were never there to begin with. I imagine the glyphs on my face have vanished too.

My legs haven't caught up with reality yet though. They're still shaking so standing obviously isn't an option. But when I take a seat, I think I have my answer as I find myself staring at a winged creature sitting next to where I once was.

Malatis, I'm guessing, is watching me with wide green eyes with thin golden slits as his pupils. I would say he's a cat, only he's the size of a couch with legs and talons like an eagle and feathered wings. His long tail rests idly next to him, but the stinger at the tip is fearsome even when resting. Fangs slip past his lips and his long ears twitch after every noise. His fur is black as night while his wings are an off gray that matches his legs.

"This is Malatis, my familiar," says Soran.

Malatis steps forward to press his head against Soran's arm. I'm slightly surprised to hear the creature purr so loudly that I feel it rumbling in my own chest. Soran caresses Malatis' head lovingly, running his fingers through thick fur.

Soran explains before I can even ask anything, "Worry not about keeping him out of sight, the binding spell I used is so that you may call him when in need. When he isn't needed, he'll return."

"Return where?"

"You really know absolutely nothing of magic."

"Are you surprised?" I ask, watching Malatis nestle against Soran's side like he was a mere house cat rather than a giant killing machine. "I didn't even know how to read until I came here."

Soran snickers.

"To put it simply, familiars are not of our world," he says. "They exist on another plane known as The Veil. Once it was believed Aena and Tethros resided alongside them but there's no proof. Mages can pass into The Veil for short periods of time where they have the chance to catch and bind a familiar. Typically these familiars are like Malatis, a form of demon that does not exist in our plane. This binding spell allows us to call for them when needed and send them back with ease."

"And you performed this binding spell on me? But I know nothing of magic. I know lumen resides in all of us, but I don't have the power that mages do," I swiftly argue, still confused on how this works.

"Malatis still answers and pulls power from me. The binding spell has only made it so that he may find you when you're in need. Should you be in danger, he'll protect you until my return."

Soran suddenly stands. Malatis steps back, now watching me with his head tilted to the side. His ears flick then he licks at his paw, seemingly uncaring of my presence. Well, he's as prissy as his owner. I'm not surprised.

"You're not to leave the estate while I'm gone," Soran adds, stepping around Malatis to head for the door. "I've put up a few defenses that should deter any pests so it is safest to remain indoors."

"And what if I'm given orders to leave?" I ask.

"Then know the ones that gave it are untrustworthy since I've given strict orders that you're not to leave the estate."

"I'm starting to feel like a princess locked away in a tower," I grumble, arms crossed until I can practically read Soran's expression that's already saying; see, I told you there would be consequences to staying.

I wave off his concern before he can make a snide remark. "Fine, I'll stay here, but will you at least tell me where you're going and why so suddenly?"

"It's best you not know."

"Then can we at least make a deal to actually talk after you've returned?"

Soran turns away, hesitating at the door. I walk over to him, attempting to peer at his face but he moves so his back is to me.

"So be it," he replies softly. "We'll speak more when I return."

Before he can open the door, I take a chance to wrap my arms around his waist. Soran freezes. I rest my chin atop his shoulder, taking a deep breath that smells of a mixture of pine and warm tea. Somehow that's annoyingly fitting. I chuckle, holding a little tighter even if Soran hasn't responded to the touch.

Sadly, the moment is fleeting.

Soran brushes me aside. I'm reminded of our night on the terrace, when he cast my hand aside. There's a familiar look in his eyes, the one of confusion and concern. Once more, he's attempting to put distance between us even if it's futile. Admittedly, I feel a little guilty, like I'm forcing myself onto him. There's nothing that can be said though. Soran is already stepping out of the office, glancing back at me one last time.

"Don't cause trouble while I'm gone," he says.

"The only troublemaker here is you."

At least that gets a smirk out of him, but that's the last I see of him.

The door shuts and his footsteps quiet until, when I step out of the office, he's nowhere in sight. Neither is Malatis when I turn around. I'm alone in the hall, rubbing my arm nervously.

Somehow, Soran has added even more questions to my never ending list. Let's hope it's only a few days and not a month that he's gone.


Soran is going to meet the other vampires and Wallie is left with the familiar, oh geez! Finally time to meet the other vampires though, hope ya like it~ what could possibly happen next? ^^

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