Chapter 49: The Beast Draws Near

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They returned back to the first Island that they took over, forcing the Militia back to the second and third Island, they stood in front of the T.V as Bertrand was relying another message to the people, Cassie rolls her eyes as she couldn't believe the man, he was still trying to turn the people against them after they revealed his truth.

Cole nudged her shoulder a little, she looks at him and he points at the T.V, she shrugs at him. But then after the message was over the news came on and the reporter was informing everyone of the plague outbreak from the Empire City catastrophe now how it traveled down to New Marais. Cole and Cassandra stiffen as they knew the Beast was coming and now they knew it was getting closer to the city. Cassie knew the Beast was close, she could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing straight up.

But she was pulled from her thoughts as she saw a truck drive up to them, Cassie pats Cole's shoulder, then points over to the truck. It stops and the two walk out and look at the truck. Then Zeke pokes his head out. "Hey, pretty boy! Feel like going for a joyride? Sharing the benefits of the spying on the Militia?" Zeke asks, Cassie smirks and climbs onto the hood of the engine. "Come on, man. The Beast is almost here, we don't have time for this." Cole informs him. But Zeke just smirks at him, "Oh, oh, oh, that's where you're wrong, my friend! I have found us a surefire to take down the Beast. Make yourself usual, take off those panels back there. You'll see." Zeke informs him.

Cole shot a look up at Cassie as she just shrugs at him, then Cole walks to the back of the truck to the big package as Cassie climbs up on top of the truck and watches as he fires at the panels, breaking them off, to reveal a nuclear bomb. "Holy shit," Cassie mutters as she was in shock. "Jesus. Zeke, is that a nuke?" Cole questions him. "Learn to love the bomb, man! Old Bertrand did. He had Wolfe fix up this little pocket rocket for him. Guess it was insurance in case one of his experiments went south, way south." Zeke informs him as Cole then ran and jump up onto the bomb and Cassie was still staring at the rocket, still shock, "That's a bomb." she states, Cole smirks and nods at her as he squats down in front of her, "Yeah, it is." he states and she points at it, "That's an actual bomb." she mutters again, he nods at her, "I wanna touch it." she declares and reach out and touches it. She giggles madly as she pulls her hand away. "Feel better?" he asks her and she looks at him, "I can mark 'touching a nuclear bomb' off my bucket list," she answers and he chuckles at her. "Let's go!" Zeke states.

Then the truck started to move, "Whoa, whoa, Z. you want to use this thing on the Beast? Dude, we will blow up the whole city!" Cole states with worry as Cassie pulls back and sat up. "Say what now?" she questions. "Now if we hit him now before he reaches New Marsis. I already set up the targeting system on one of the harbor cranes, just need to get the missile in position." Zeke informs him. "Will a missile even stop him?" Cassie questions. "What do you mean?" Zeke asks her, "Cole and I summoned Thunder on the Beast and that only damaged him, now is a missile of pure energy going to take down the Beast that is made of pure energy?" she questions him. "We gotta hope, Cass," Zeke informs her.

She frowns as she sat down, Cole sat next to her and rubs her shoulder. "Well, we do like big explosions." Cole jokes, making Cassie smirk a little. "Haha, me too, man." Zeke laughs as they drove down the road, but then Cassie groans in pain as she grips her head. "Cassie, what's wrong?" he asks as he moves in front of her, gripping her shoulders. "Look at the horizon, man, it's him," Zeke calls out. Cole looks out, past the bridge and saw the Beast.

But it was fighting off Militia helicopters, "We still got time. I'll try and keep the roads clear." Cole informs him and looks back at Cassie, "Can you stand?" he asks her, she looks at him, exhales and nods at him, "I can manage." she answers, he nods at her as Zeke stops and the Militia stood in their way. "Give us back our nuke!" one shouts but Cassie fires at him, knocking him out of the truck.

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