Scene 2: An Azalea

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The following paragraph is Taehyung understanding his feelings for Yoongi. And what comes after is him going to Suga's for the gaming night. Chapter 13 is the reference in case you want to reread.

Now that he thought about it, the idea of making a fabulous trio out of the strange duo felt quite weird. Memories of him and Yoongi during poffee breakfast, of them figuring out how to trick a security system and of them staring at Yoongi's screen while the hacker tried to find a backdoor in a program passed his inner eye, but when he tried to fit in Jimin, the pictured crumbled. The small blonde angle was lovable, no doubt, but he seemed to not fit into his current life. And thinking of pushing the small grumpy man with the black mop out of his life, even if it was just a little, made him panic.


Yoongi focus

He smiled when he heard his doorbell going off and got up from the bed to greet Taehyung at the door, leaving behind an unfinished game of Tetris.


"I think I love you," Taehyung interrupted him, hiding behind two big paper cups of what must be the poffee.

Yoongi froze. He might have expected many things, but nothing could have prepared him for Taehyung confessing to him on his doorstep. This simply made no sense. Especially after Jimin. How the heck was he supposed to react? How the heck did thinking work? What were thoughts? Who cared? What the fuck was happening with his mind? He had always been able to trust in his mind when it came to unexpected happenings, but his brain was failing him completely right now.

He took a deep breath.

This was so... so... Taehyung. That was why this man was so damn brilliant. Because he never was predictable. That was why Yoongi loved his best friend. He loved the randomness, the lines outside the box. He loved him. He loved him so much, so all he had to do was saying it out loud, right?

"Can you please say something?" Taehyung asked with a shy smile.

"Come in," Yoongi rasped, still quite dumbstruck.

Taehyung looked confused. "That's not quite what I meant, but better than nothing I guess."

Strangely silent they entered the stuffy room and uncomfortably stood across from each other. This was beyond anything Yoongi knew how to handle, so his brain was slightly in overdrive to find a solution he could settle on to ease the tense atmosphere.

But Taehyung opened his mouth again before he knew what to do. "I ruined it, didn't I? Our friendship, I mean." And he placed the cups on the table and stepped closer. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Nononono, I'm just, I'm uh..." Yoongi interrupted the nonsense that bubbled out of his friend's mouth but trailed off again. The solution was easy, was it not? "I -uh- I love you too?"

Confused he lifted his gaze to see how Taehyung would react.


I decided to make it less abrupt because it did not fit their relationship back then.

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