Treat You better

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It was a Saturday in Orlando, Florida, and the Guys were Visiting their parents house's before they had to go back on tour.

Brian was in his old room he had before they had become the Backstreet boys, when He Figured he'd go Visit Nick, because His Parents weren't Home, and he was kinda Bored.

He Walked over to Nick's house, and Heard Screaming when he got to the front door. He knocked  on it and Nick Opened the door, came out, and quickly shut the door. " Hey..." he smiled, catching his breath. 

Brian heard Glass break from inside the house and Raised an Eyebrow. " Nick, What's happening in there?" he asked.

Nick Looked at the Door, then back at Brian " What? oh Nothing, just um... Small Children, you know how they can be" 

Brian crossed his arms " yeah... can I come in?" The Shorter male asked. 

" Uh...." Nick looked at the Door. 

" It's just small Children right?" Brian said, Pushing Nick aside, and Opening the door. 

When it Opened, Brian saw What seemed to be Nicks mom, yelling a little girl,who was crying, and the Father was yelling from the kitchen, and Threw a Wine bottle at his wife which missed, and hit the wall next to her. He saw a little boy about Eight years old, sitting on the sofa, Next to another little girl, and they were taking turns trying a cigarette.

Brian's eyes widened when he saw the Chaos. He couldn't believe Nick Lived here. 

The Basketball player Wannabe looked at Nick in Shock. " Nick..." he said almost in tears.

Nick sighed " Yes B-rok?" He acted though this was all Normal.

Brian Hugged Nick, then let go, took out his phone, and started Dialing a number.

" What are you doing?" Nick asked. 

" Calling C.P.S. " He answered.

Nick Gasped  " No!" he said and snatched the phone from Brian, and Canceled the call. 

" Hey! This is not right! I need to call someone about his Nick!" Brian said in tears. He couldn't believe this was where Nick lived. No wonder Whenever someone dropped a Glass Nick didn't even flinch

" No. They are my family, You can't just leave my siblings and Me homeless.." Nick was about to start crying as well. 

Brian sighed. " Nick... I know you love Your Siblings, but if you really loved them, you would let me call C.P.S so they can be somewhere thats better then here" He explained. 

" But Brian... Where would I go?"

Brian thought for a moment. " I know, how about, We call C.P.S, they take Your siblings somewhere safe, and You can stay with me"

Nick had tears in his eyes, he held the phone up over his head so Brian couldn't reach it " but Bri... They need me..." 

" I know Frack, and as their Big Brother, you need to make sure they are safe, are they safe here?" Brian pointed at the Chaos. 

Nick Looked down and handed the phone back to Brian. " No..."

Brian took the phone and put a hand on Nicks Shoulder " Don't worry Nicky, They'll be okay. Do you trust me?" he asked the blonde. 

Nick nodded " Yes.. I do. I'm just worried about them" 

" I know you are, I would be too, but They'll be in better hands once their somewhere else" he said, and Called Child Protective services. 

A Bit later, they arrived, and Sure enough, they took all of Nicks siblings out of that dreaded Household. Brian saw how upset this made his Friend, and provided plenty of hugs, for him. Nick watched as his siblings were taken away to somewhere else he knew not where. He watched as his Own parents were arrested, and His Mom cursed him for being a Mistake of a child. 

After all that was taken care of, Brian took Nick back to his House. He had blow up mattress in his garage, so he blew it up for Nick, and put it in his room. 

When they were laying in bed, Brian wondered if he did the right thing by calling C.P.S on Nicks parents. He prayed to god that Nicks siblings would be all right, he Prayed that Nick wouldn't hate him. 

He was about to Drift to sleep, when Nick came and Sat on his bed. he looked at Nick, who looked like he had been crying for quite a while, and he was. 

" Frack?" Brian said, quietly.

" I Can't sleep..." Nick mumbled. He knew it childish, but when he was thirteen, when they were traveling and he couldn't sleep, he would lay with Brian, and they would talk until he fell asleep.

Brian smiled and Pulled down to lay with him. " Do you wanna talk?" Brian Asked. 

Nick nodded, laying next to him. Brian wrapped his arm around Nick. " Nick, I'm sorry for earlier, I couldn't just stand by and watch all that, It broke my heart to see how your parents lived, and how they treated you, no one, and I mean no one, should ever live like that"

" I know.. it's just their my family, and I miss them..."

" I know you do Nicky, But They'll be fine, and so will you" 

Nick looked at him with a tired smile " Thank you Brian" he said, and closed his eyes, Drifting off to sleep. 

Brian Smiled and held him a bit tighter " You're welcome Frack" he whispered, and Fell asleep as well.

Perhaps he did make the right choice. He could Certainly get used to this. Nick made the bed Warmer, and he knew it wasn't right to sleep with another guy, but this was different. He was his Nicky, and he was like a little brother to him. He knew how Nick felt, because he knew that even though Nick would be Damaged by him doing that, he knew in the long run, that was the best choice. 

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