Kids Sometimes

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" Baylee!" Brian shouted, covering his sons mouth.  Brian was starting to think maybe he should have taught his son to not always tell the truth. Maybe just keep his mouth shut about certain things. 

Baylee looked at his Dad with a confused look. Didn't he want him to always tell the truth? 

Nick was holding Odin, but looking at Brian with a Hurt look on his face. " Wow Frick. You know if you have something to tell me, just say it. Don't keep it bottled up" he said. " Frack-" Brian started, but Nick had left. 

Brian sighed and Uncovered Baylee's mouth. " Really Kid?" Baylee tilted his head in confusion. " What?" 

" There are Certain things you say, and there are certain things you don't say. That was something you don't say" Brian said, crossing his arms. 

" Oh, Sorry but you taught me not to Lie" he shrugged . " Yeah, but you could have just kept your mouth shut " Brian sighed.

Baylee Smirked, and Poked his Dad. " hey, Hey, hey Fairy" Brian gave him that ' Now is not the time' look. " Baylee Littrell I am not in the mood for this right now" Baylee Ignored him, and kept poking him. " Is the Fairy getting mad?" he chuckled. Brian glared at him. Baylee backed up a bit, as Brian stood up. " You better Run" he said, Baylee Nervously laughed, and Started running.

Brian chased him through the house, jumping over the couch, Avoiding the Table and Counter, and Finally, Baylee Ran Into his mother. Her arms were folded, and she raised an eyebrow. " Baylee Thomas Wylee Littrell!" He stopped and Hid behind her. 

She was about to say something, but Brian Stopped in front of her. " I am not a Fairy!" Leighanne sighed and stepped to the side. Baylee's eyes Widened in terror, as Brian grabbed his Arm. " You are about to lose your Guitar" he growled. " No, No, no, no I'm Sorry." Leighanne pulled them apart and looked at the two. 

" Baylee, Apologize to your father Right now" she said sternly. Baylee sighed and put his hands in his pockets. " I'm sorry... You're not a fairy.." he mumbled. She nodded and looked at Brian " and Tell him You won't destroy his Guitar" Brian raised an eyebrow " Excuse me? I-" She cut him off. " Now" she said. Brian took a deep breath, and looked at Baylee. " Sorry for Yelling at you, and chasing you around. Your Guitar will be safe" he smiled. Baylee let out a Sigh of relief. Leighanne smiled " Good, Now Who wants to help me cook Dinner" 

While eating dinner, Brian sang I want it that way, for no reason, while Baylee set the table, and Leighanne got the food ready. When they were all seated, and said Grace and such, Brian decided to bring something up that Baylee was dreading.

" Soooo How's school and stuff " Brian said taking a bite of the Macaroni and cheese. Baylee was about to Say something, but knew it wasn't gonna be good, and did what his Dad told him to earlier, not say a word. Brian knew the Amount of Silence in the room meant something wasn't right. He looked at his Wife, and then back at his Son. " School is going good right?" he raised an eyebrow.

 Baylee finished eating, just to avoid the conversation, and stood up. " wow mom that was good, but I uh... Have things to do"  He put his dishes in the sink, and started walking up to his room. 

A little While Later, Brian came in. Baylee was Listening to music, doing his homework when he did. Brian tapped his headphones, making Baylee take them off and look at him. " Yeah?" Brian sat on the bed. " You gonna tell me how school is going?" he asked in calm manor. Baylee looked away from him, and looked at  his homework instead. " Well My Grades are good.." Brian frowned. He knew There was something he wasn't telling him, and he would find out either way. 

" Son, I know somethings up, care to tell me what?" He asked, getting Baylee to turn his head toward him again. Baylee Sighed. " It's Just, People keep saying that You, Nick, Howie, Aj, and Uncle Kevin, are fake, and everything you do is fake" Brian chuckled " Well Then Ignore them, You know the truth and that's all the matters" Baylee sighed " That's not all that happened...Mom already knows. But I uh... I got in a fight with someone.." Brian's eyes widened.

" Baylee!" 

" It's not what you think Dad! They Started Attacking me, so I defended myself, I didn't start the fight, I didn't even say anything" He said, telling nothing but the truth. " Fine, I believe you, But why did he start attacking you?" Brian asked, and Got a Shrug from the younger male. 

" Right, Well, as long as you were defending yourself" He smiled, and gave Baylee a hug. he then ruffled his hair. " You are my son after all, and I know you're pretty tough" 

" Yeah I know" Baylee laughed. " Now, why don't we all play a game together" Brian suggested. Baylee nodded. " yeah, that sounds fun" he smiled. 

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