The blonde turned his head at the sound of the door sliding open. Recovery Girl walked in with her cane and sat on her stool. "You are lucky to be alive, young man," she stated bluntly. "If that bullet had been just a little lower then you surely would have died. You also retained a broken jaw and two cracked ribs."

Oh. Right. Deku. Wait! Just a little lower? So if I hadn't slipped... Katsuki's right hand subconsciously moved to cover his wound. Deku was really going to kill me! He gulped audibly.

"You will notice that you more than likely can't feel your left arm," continued Recovery Girl knowing that Katsuki wouldn't talk. He nodded. "Feeling will come back but not to its original strength. The nerves had been damaged for too long before I could treat them so your left arm will be partially numb for the rest of your life."

Katsuki just nodded again. Dang it.

"You've been out for about a day but don't worry, school was canceled for today and tomorrow is the weekend. Take this time to rest and get used to the lower feeling in your arm. Come see me as soon as school starts again." He nodded.
"Your parents will be here to pick you up soon." Recovery Girl left soon after.

Red eyes stared blankly at the white hospital sheets but they weren't really focused.


"You killed him, Bakugo."


"You're running away."

"Like a coward."
"You're scared."
"Beat me, bruised me, burned me, suicide baited me."



The blonde stopped, breath hitching. Kacchan? That's right... Deku was calling me that from the start. He switched midway through.

Katsuki wanted to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time.
He's still there! Somewhere the real Izuku is in that mind. Katsuki slammed his fist on the table next to him.

Like hell it's going to end like this! I'll save you, Deku. I'll save you, Izuku.

The door opened again. "BAKUBRO!!!" Kirishima came waltzing in looking worse for wear. Katsuki, being Katsuki, promptly flipped him the bird.


Shouta woke up feeling numb, body swallowing pain relievers from the IV next to him. His face was next to completely covered in bandages aside from his eyes, which, by the way, looked at the world slightly blurrier than before the USJ.
Right, the USJ. Mikumo...




"I'm sorry, Aizawa."


If Shouta could move his arm he would have punched something. Why? Why did it have to be him!? How did I not notice!?

But Shouta did notice. He did see all of the signs, all of the details and clues pointing towards Mikumo being Deku. He just chose to ignore them by the will of his own selfish, irrational desires. Shouta enjoyed the kid's company. He enjoyed visiting Soft Blossom Bakery and sitting at his table drinking black coffee. He enjoyed, perhaps, having a son-like figure... He just didn't want to admit that it was all part of a much bigger scheme.

Shouta looked over at the calendar hanging in the room. Two days had passed and it was now the weekend and Shouta was stuck on a hospital bed.

With his mobile arm, the man reached over and picked up his cracked phone on the bedside table. It still worked, thankfully.

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