•Jock&Nerd• Loner

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Requested by Ninja_Puppet!
Karlof x Neuro
Highschool AU
They don't have powers soz!

Neuro's POV

I walk through the corridor to get to my history lesson, my friends always tell me I study too much and maybe I do... I'm a big nerd in my class! I think the only reason I don't get targetted for bullying is that all the teachers like me. I'm about to open the door when I see a guy a few years older running up to me. "WAIT!" he yells. I freeze when I see him. He's like... three feet taller than me! "Wh-what's your name?" "N-Neuro!" I stutter. Is he a bully who wants to mess with me? Should I call a teacher? "Karlof!" he says, holding out his hand. I don't want to get in trouble so I shake it. Then I run into my classroom and closes the door after me. "Ah! Neuro, just in time!" the teacher smiles. I sit down next to my friends Shade and Turner. "What took you so long man?" Turner sighs. "Some guy... pretty sure he's three years older than me... I think he's a bully!" "Really?" "I'm not sure... he was really desperate to talk with me!" "Well, you could try to talk with him after class!" Shade suggests. "We'll call a teacher if he does something wrong!" "Thanks, guys!" "Now let's pay attention so we don't get detention!" Turner smiles.

Karlof's POV

I should've guessed that he would be scared of me. EVERYONE I meet thinks I'm a bully. I've always been... taller than usual and my father would always help me build up my strength so I could defend myself against bullied... But other students are scared of me, they don't want to be friends with me! But... that nerdy kid... Neuro! I fell for him the first day I saw him! I need to tell him how I feel, maybe it isn't a good idea confessing out of the blue? Maybe I should wait until after school? "Karlof? Karlof?" "S-sorry!" I stutter and everyone in my class laughs. "It's okay! Try to pay attention!" I feel kinda embarrassed... But I can't stop thinking about him! I'd do anything to just be near him! "Alright, class! Remember your test next week!" We all pick up our bags and walk out of the classroom. Only one lesson left... then... HE runs up to me! "Hey Karlof!" he smiles nervously. "You... wanted to talk with me?" "Y-yeah..." I take his hand blushing brightly while I see him tensing up. "Look, Neuro... Karlof he..." "You don't speak English that good?" he asks. "N-no... But... When Karlof saw Neuro this year's first day..." I pull him closer to me and kisses his cheek. WHAT DID I JUST DO? "S-sorry!" I stutter and run away. Now I've messed up SO bad! He'll never want to date me now! He probably thinks I'm a creeper! "Hey loser!" someone says behind me. "I didn't know you were one of THOSE..."

"Karlof would like to be left alone!" I snap with a few tears rolling down my cheek. "What did you expect?" I don't want to listen to him so I just run towards my next class when I slip on some kind of sketchbook and land with my wrist in a weird way. I let out a small yelp in pain and clutch onto my wrist, "Karlof?" I turn around to see Neuro running up to me. "Are you okay?" he asks. "M-my wrist..." I whimper. He slowly rolls up my sleeve to see that my wrist is swelling and turning blue. "Can you move it at all?" I twitch my fingers a little and then turn it around a bit, then clutching onto it in pain again. "Okay, I don't think it's broken! Wait I have a small first aid kit in my bag!" He opens the bag and pulls out a bandage and starts wrapping my wrist. "Do you want to go to the last lesson or should we go to the school nurse?" I shake my head. If it's just sprained then I can handle it myself! "Okay then... We can cool it down with some cold water after school, meet me at the men's bathroom! Still sure you can last the last lesson?" I nod and stand up. "Thank you..." I mumble. "No problem!" he smiles. "But... why did you kiss me like that?" "K-Karlof... L-like you..." Then I run into my classroom again to get this day done. I do my best to concentrate but my wrist is still aching and I think some of my classmates would want to make fun of me... I wish my father taught me to defend myself against THIS kind of bullying.

Neuro's POV

I wait outside the men's bathroom for Karlof... finding out he liked me was a surprise! And Telling Shade and Turner was pretty weird as well! "Hey, Karlof!" I smile when I see him. "How's your wrist?" I follow him to the tap and take off his bandage. His wrist has really started swelling pretty bad... "Okay just put your wrist under the tap and I'll start it!" He does as I say and after A while I see that swelling has calmed downed. I wrap it up in the bandage again and... kisses his hand. "I Uhm... Think you should go to the hospital so they can make sure your wrist isn't broken!" I look up at him to see that's his face is bright red. "How does it feel?" "Better..." I follow him out of the bathroom and up to his locker, helping him to take out his jacket. "I... can carry your books for you if you want..." I blush. "Thanks..." he smiles. "No problem! I can follow you to the hospital too!" "No... Mother's a nurse!" he explains. "Oh! That's good!" I follow him out the school but before we start walking towards his home I walk up to him, step up on my toes and kisses him. "I love you Karlof!" "K-karlof... loves you too!" "CALLED IT!" someone yells from a bush. "TURNER QUIET!" Shade snaps. "Turner? Shade? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "Well TURNER here thought we would spy on you!" Both me and Karlof blushes and looks at each other. "Let's just go home!" I smile.

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