•Darkfastthinking• Tomato sauce!

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The three are living together! Shush!
Turner is planning on pranking Shade! Requested by: ireadthemforfun

Neuro's POV

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" I frown when Turner places the bucket on the door. "Yes! When Shade opens the door he'll get the water all over him AND maybe... he'll get the bucket on his head!" "Why do you wanna do this again?" I sigh. "He'll be very angry at you!" "Us!" Us? "What do you mean with us?" "Oh... Did I forget to tell you that it's YOUR bucket I'm using?" "WHAT?" "Calm down! He'll beat us both up quickly and then everything will be fine!" "But what if we die?" "We'll become angels and go to heaven!" he smiles. He knows I was being sarcastic right? Why don't follow? "But what if one of the other angels comes up to us and asks, Oh Hello! How did you die?" "Ummm... What would you say?" "I don't know... Maybe we got killed by our boyfriend cause this IDIOT DECIDED TO DO A STUPID PRANK!" "Cmon! You're overreacting!" Turner groans and steps down from the small ladder he used. "Now we'll just wait until he gets home and then has a good laugh!" "And then die..." I add. "Whatever... What's for dinner?" "Spaghetti with tomato sauce!" I answer and starts picking things from the shelf. "Oh! Sounds good but... We don't have any tomato sauce..." "That's why I asked Shade to go buy it, and some other stuff we needed!" I nod and picks up three plates and places them on the table. "Don't forget the glasses and the cutlery!"

Shade's POV

How can it take SO long for someone to scan some freaking groceries? Ugh! I bet that Neuro has already started cooking dinner! I pick up my phone and gives Neuro a quick call.

"Good thing that you called!" he answers. "I'm about to start cooking dinner! Do you have the tomato sauce?" "Yep! Sorry, it took a while! The cashier got some problems with scanning the stuff..." "Oh! It's okay! The longer you're away the longer Turner and I get to live!" "Wait? What do you mean by that?" "EH... Nothing! Bye!"


What the heck was that all about? It's not like I'm going to kill them... I run as fast as I can back to our house when I see that... the door is slightly open... Why? I leave the bags outside and uses my powers to be able to sneak in thru the backdoor without them noticing me. "Are you sure he won't kill you?" Neuro sighs. "Cmon Nerdo! It's just some water!" I look at the door and sees... that there's a bucket standing on it. Hehe... Nice try Speedy! But I'm NOT falling for that! I reach up as high as I can to be able to grab the bucket... Cmon... YES! I run out again with the bucket in my hands and empties it. Now I have something else to fill it with! Hope Turner doesn't wanna kill me after this!

Turner's POV

I can't wait to see Shade's reaction when he gets the water all over him! Hehehe... "Neuro, why can't we start eating?" "How do eat spaghetti with tomato sauce WITHOUT tomato sauce?" "Okay, I get the point... UGH! Can't Shade hurry up a bit?" "He should be here anytime right now..." Okay... Three...two... "Eh Turner you wight wanna take off your glasses..." What why? "Just take them off!" "Fine..." I sigh and takes them off. "I still don't get why I have to-" SPLOOSH! "WHAT THE HELL?" There's freacking TOMATO SAUCE ALL OVER ME! "HAHAHAHAHA! SWEET REVENGE!" "SHADE WHAT THE HELL?" "Do you think I didn't notice your little prank?" DID HE SEE IT? "Turner, if you leave the door slightly open... don't you think people notice it?" "YOU KNOW I LIKE WEARING WHITE! IT WILL TAKE HOURS TO WASH OFF ALL OF IT!" "Too bad!" Shade teases. "Think a little more next time you try to prank me!" "Do you want some tomato sauce?" I get up from my chair and tackles him to the floor and gives him a tomato covered kiss. "Turner... Shade..." Neuro interrupts. "Are we gonna eat spaghetti or not?" Eh... NO! I give Shade a small signal and he gets up and pins Neuro to the ground and gives him a kiss as well. "Now we have tomato sauce!" he chuckles. "So can we eat spaghetti now?" Great! My stomach is growling like crazy! "I think we need to take a shower first..." Neuro mumbles. "ALL three of us!"

(A/N The next oneshot will be Smokshade and kind of second part to my latest Fireflash one!)

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