Chapter 8: Another meltdown, you say?

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School the next day was pure torture. Sofia and I did not make eye contact once, thank the Lord. Bitch was driving me insane. I did however; catch her staring at Connor during lunch. Like stalker staring, watching his every move. She was obviously losing her marbles. Such a shame for a young girl. The thing that bothered me the most was how she just couldn't let me be happy after everything I was going through. Why did she feel the need to act like a ten year old?

I was relieved as soon as the bell rang. I did not want to deal with anyone. I guess I was happier when I was by myself; or with Connor of course. He was the only one who made me happy nowadays. After class, I was getting ready to go home with V so we could go to the hospital, when Sofia rounded a corner in the hallway and bumped into me on purpose, knocking the books out of my hands.

"Oops." She said sarcastically, smirking. "Better watch where you're going," I said. "Otherwise people are going to hate you even more than they do now." I slammed my locker shut and ran to the door. Okay. I know that was harsh, but she was being even more immature than I could handle. Not that I was much better, but still.

V meets me as the car as I power walk down the parking lot in anger. I slam the car door and throw my bag and books viciously to the backseat. Vanessa cautiously buckles her seat belt. "You okay..?" She wonders aloud.

I shake my head and pull my hair to one side. "I can't take Sofia anymore. She just knocked into me on purpose while I was at my locker and made me drop all of my crap on the floor. Then she smiled like it was so damn hilarious!" Vanessa made a face of disgust. "What a bitch. You're probably better without her." 'Probably'. "You don't need jealous people like her in your life," she continued.

"That's true," I say. "Whatever I'm just so glad tomorrow's Friday so I don't have to be around these people for two days," I add. V pulls out of the parking lot. "Hopefully it will be longer than that, the snow storm is supposed to be bad; they're saying we're most likely going to lose power."

"Awesome. Anything to get out of this hell-hole," I say, motioning to the school that was shrinking as we drove away. "I couldn't agree more," she laughs. "I'm going to stop at McDonald's for some food..lunch was like four hours ago, so what do you want to eat?"

OhmyGod! Four hours of not eating! The baby must be so famished! Poor thing, she must go stuff her face with greasy fatty food that's going to clog her arteries like her life depended on it. I snort. "Nothing. I'm not eating that crap."

She grinds her teeth. "Lilia, I can't even remember the last time I saw you eat. What's going on with you?" Now I grind my teeth. "Nothing. I just don't happen to want that disgusting shit that you call food."

"Last time I checked, you never want anything that's called food. You never eat." She said angrily. "I do too," I argued. "I eat too much." She snorts. "Bull. I've never seen you eat anything more than a yogurt. Maybe." She was getting on my nerves now. "What do you know? I do eat; maybe it just so happens it's when you're not around."

"When am I not around?" I throw my hands in the air, getting pissed. "OH MY GOD! Just shut up already you don't have to save me, I'm fine! You're not my mother!" I scream at her. "That's because Mom is too stupid to realize what you're doing to yourself!" She yells back at me. "Shut your damn mouth." Hot angry tears form at my eyes, threatening to go streaming down my face.

"No. I won't sit around and let you kill yourself." She says seriously. "You don't know what I'm doing so shut up and leave me alone." "Lilia you're-" "I said shut up!" I screech, cutting her off. I do not need to listen to her stupid bullshit right now.

And with that, she doesn't say another word until we pull up into the Heart-Attack-Waiting-To-Happen place. She orders two McDoubles, and two small fries. What the hell is wrong with her? After they give us our crap in a bag, er food, as some people call it, Vanessa parks the car in the McDonald's parking lot.

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