Chapter 4: Uh, what just happened?

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At the sound of the gasp, Connor and I break apart. I spin my head around and see Sophia standing there, her jaw touching the ground. All my other friends are standing behind her, smirks on their faces. "Uhhm.." I stutter, not knowing what to say.

"What the hell is this?" She asks. I stand up and bring them to the kitchen. "Damn Lia, I knew that was going to happen sooner or later, but in front of everyone?!" Screeches Kendall. I put my hands on my face. What the hell was was happening tonight?

"Okay, well, earlier he confessed that he likes me in the kitchen, and we were about to kiss when Luke comes in and was hitting on me..then HE tries to kiss me..then Connor punched him in the face..Jesus Christ it's been a long crazy ass night," I explain.

Sophia looks white as a ghost and Zoey, Kendall and Jade's mouths are all wide open. "Damn, why do we miss everything?" Zoey asks. "Trust me, be glad that you missed it," I state. The music is still pounding, and I see Luke hobbling up the stairs, one of his buddies making sure he doesn't fall over. "But wait, why was Luke trying to kiss you?" Jade wonders aloud.

"Because he's drunk," I say simply. "And he knew that Connor likes me, so he was just being his normal asshole self." Sophia remains quiet. "What's wrong, Soph?" I ask her. "Nothing, just surprised," she says gently.

"So are you guy’s boyfriend and girlfriend now or what?" Kendall asks me. I shrug. "I honestly have no clue. Tonight has been insane." "I wouldn't be surprised; I mean you guys know each other like the backs of your hands. It was only a matter of time," states Jade.

Just then, Connor appears in the doorway. "Lil, can I see you for a sec?" He looks nervous. "What happened?" I ask, alarmed. He doesn't say anything and brings me to the bathroom, where V is sitting on the floor, next to the toilet, green-faced.

I groan. "Dammit is she drunk too?" Connor nods. "Yup, she's been puking her guts out for a half an hour." Figures, my sister, the one who spends her Saturday nights reading, had snuck out of the house, and was now drunk.

"I have to get her home," I say, walking over to her, helping her up. "Shit, we walked here. How the hell am I supposed to carry her home? She's barely conscious for Christ's sake." Connor comes over to help me, help Vanessa up.

"I'll come with you," he doesn't think twice about this. "I'm going to tell Joey to keep the party in line since Luke is passed out upstairs," he tells me, referring to his soccer buddy. He heads off to do that, while I go find my friends to tell them I had to leave.

I look all around the house for them, but I don't see them anywhere. Finally, I see them sitting in a corner around Sophia. I inch closer, as I notice that Soph has tears streaming down her face. I was about to go console her and find out what happened, when I see V wobbling down the hall, looking like she was going to throw up again. Instead, she crumbles to the floor.

"Dammit," I mutter. I rush over to her, and pick her up again, putting her left arm around my neck, not realizing how heavy she was. I was probably going off 100 calories today, and my weak pathetic self couldn't bare her weight, so we both pile on the floor.

She moans as Connor sprints over to us. "Okay," he says, picking up Vanessa, then giving me a hand up. "We need to go before she passes out." We each take an arm around our necks, and we awkwardly walk down the street to our house.

As we walk up the driveway, I reach onto my pocket for my keys and open the door as quickly as I could. I lose my breath as we drag her upstairs and put her to bed, so our parents wouldn't get suspicious if they saw her passed out on the couch.

I take off her shoes, and lie her down, fully dressed, and put a bucket next to her bed in case she had to throw up again. Her eyes were closed before her head hit the pillow; literally.

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