Chapter 3: Party, anyone?

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Connor comes home around 11:15, slamming cupboards in the kitchen, waking me up. I wake up for the fourth time that day, and sit up. After wobbling my way to the kitchen, I see Connor eating a bowl of cereal, making a face with every bite he takes.

"Gee, smarty pants," I say. "If you have a toothache, why are you eating hard foods?" He gives me a look. "Because I wanted my Cap'n Crunch!" He says defensively. He crunches another bite and screams out, "Ow you son of a bitch! That one hurt!"

I take the bowl away from him. "I'll make you some eggs," I offer. "Those are actually soft so it's easier to eat." I take a frying pan out from the cabinet. "What did the Dentist say, anyway?" He sighs. "Well, luckily for me, I have to get some teeth pulled!" He says fake happily, obviously.

"Turns out I have a 'crowded mouth.'" I crack open two eggs. "Sounds painful. Who's going to hold your hand when you're there screaming like a little girl as they yank out your teeth?" I joke, laughing. "Oh, I was thinking I would bring you so I can turn your hand purple, as revenge." He smirks, referring to the time I had to get a shot in seventh grade and I had held his hand so tight it had turned purple.

"Haha, you're sooo funny," I say sliding a plate of two scrambled eggs and a piece of toast in front of him. "Thank you," he tells me. "What about you?" I walk back to the kitchen and boil some water. "Well, I had frozen waffles this morning when you were gone." Lies lies lies.

"So I'm just going to have some tea want some?" He chews thoughtfully. "Not really a tea person," he admits. "But if you love me you'll make me some hot chocolate?" He gives me toothy smile like a five year old makes on picture day.

"Well, it's unfortunate that I love you, then," I joke. As I make our drinks, I catch him glancing at me. Like..checking me out. It also didn't help that I didn't have any pants on. I ignore it..I mean he was a guy. What did you expect?

I place his hot chocolate in front of him and sit down with my tea. "So, how about this party tomorrow night?" I say, grinning. "Lil you're sick. How are you expecting to come to a party?" I roll my eyes. "Please. It doesn't even help that I'm grounded either. But I'm already feeling better. It was a onetime thing. I'm fine."

"Well awesome, I was hoping you'd say that. I wanted you to come anyway, obviously. So do have a rebel on our hands? Are you sneaking out?" He smiles slyly. I sip my tea. "Well I figure that our parents are leaving at six, so after that, I can get Vanessa to cover for me, or hell, maybe she'll come too, and I'll come here to help you set up. Our parents won't be home until like one a.m. anyway. It's some party banquet thingy they're going to."

"That's genius," he says. "I know," I laugh. "Wait, why did you get grounded?" I give him a look. "Don't even get me started, dude. It's YOUR fault, remember?" He laughs. "Ahaha, my bad." I flick a crumb at him. "My bad, my ass. Who's coming to this party, anyway?"

"The guys from the soccer team, you of course, my friends, your friends, some of Luke's douche bags, the usual.." My eyes widen. "Shit, I never had the chance to invite my friends..I hardly saw them yesterday and The Bitch at school still has my phone."

"Hit 'em up on Facebook. I'm sure they'll want to come..I mean it's my party we're talking about.." he winks and I snicker as I boot up the laptop that was conveniently sitting on the table. After inviting them all, something comes to mind.

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