This. Sucks.

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Slowly, Ryan walked over to him. His heart was thumping in his chest. Was he going to hit him again? He can’t do it here......right?

His dad gave a sickly grin. “You’re so dead.”

“Fuck you. I’m never coming near you. You – You can’t hurt me...” Ryan tried to look brave, but his act was slipping. He was tired of this. He couldn’t take another beating, not when he was so close to freedom.

“Well....You’ll see. You’re coming to the house tonight, get it?”

“You can’t make me.”

“Hell, yeah I can. In any case, that bitch is in the hospital, so she won’t know.”

Ryan stared at him, hardly able to believe her words. “What? in the hospital?”

“Had a tiny accident, nothing much.” He laughed cruelly.

Ryan lunged at him. No fucking

His dad held his wrist and shoved him aside. “Just so you know, I arranged that ‘little’ accident.”

Ryan stood there gaping.

“And you’re coming over, or there is going be another, much bigger accident.”

Ryan couldn’t believe him. “You can’t do this...” His stomach was clenching and unclenching. His anger was building up. How could he have done his? And how ‘little’ was this accident? He forced himself to remain calm. That asshole still hadn’t told him exactly where his mom was, and until he did that, Ryan couldn’t risk angering him. “Where is she? Which hospital?”

“Are you coming?”

“Where is she?”

“Are you coming?”

Ryan swore. He didn’t have a choice. “Fuck off.” He pulled out his mobile, and tried to dial her number. It rang a couple of times, but no one picked up.

"She's lost her mobile - get it?"

Ryan looked up at him. He resisted the urge to punch his face. He had no choice. He forced the words out. "Please, dad......which hospital?"

 His dad laughed. "Be there after school." He strode to his car and got into it. "She's getting treated at the Pride Hospital. And don't even think about mentioning a word of this to her. You know what I can do."

Ryan nodded stiffly and watched as his dad drove away. HIs heart was sinking. It was going to happen again. 

Numbly, he walked away from the gates. He hated his life. He had no choice but to turn up, or else he'll hurt his mom. He managed to grab a taxi. "Pride Hospital."

Ryan tried to look normal as they neared. He couldn't let her know. He paid off the driver, and walked into the hospital. 

"I'm here to see Nicky Laureal, please."

The receptionist looked up with interest. "Ahh-you mean the Nicky Laureal? You're-?"

"Her son. Ryan Laureal."

The receptionist batted her eyelashes at him. "Aw - you're just as sexy as she is....Gimme your policy, see?" She winked at him.

Ryan forced himself to remain cool. He had no fucking time for her flirting. And she was way older than him - she must be at least 20.  "Uh...9712198761..."

She noted it down. On her hand, Ryan noticed, not on the hospital record book. Then she looked up and smiled sweetly. "2nd floor, room 205."

Ryan nodded and rushed up the stairs, and into her room. She looked okay. She was sitting up on the bed, propped against the wall. Her hand was in a plaster. There was a bandage across her forehead.

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