Car Chase - Just like the movies!

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The brick building was in a narrow lane in one of the dirtiest parts of the town. It was right next to a bar. A silver car was parked in front of it.

Ryan pulled up his car behind the other one and got out.

Two burly men were standing outside the building. One of them had a beard and a lip piercing.

He walked up to them. "I - uh....Rick sent me?" He held up the package in his hands.

They shared a suspicious glance. "Wait here." The bearded guy disappeared into the building.

Ryan looked at the other guy. "What do you guys do here?" It was a stupid question, Ryan knew that he'd get no answer for that. He was right.

"Nothing you need to know about."

Ryan shrugged. He was pretty sure whatever it was, it wasn't legal. All he could wonder was why had his dad decided to send him here, rather than some other, more experienced, guy. What was he delivering? Drugs? Money?

The bearded guy stuck his head out from the door and called out! "You!"

Ryan looked over to him.

"Get in!"

Ryan attempted a smile at the other guy, but he remained stone faced.

The bearded guy led him in. The place was a mess. It seemed like a flat kept by a hoard of uncivilised teenagers. The hall was littered with cigarette butts and beer bottles. There was no furniture in the room except for an old TV, whose screen was cracked.

There was a door at one corner. It opened as soon as Ryan arrived. A man stepped through. He was thin and spindly, and barely reaching his height. He was wearing an armani suit, which did not go with the room he was in. His black eyes glittered when he saw Ryan. "Ryan Cross - Welcome." He held out a hand.

Ryan took it and shook once. "Uh...yeah. Thanks." He held out the package. "Rick - he wanted to - "

The man patted his shoulder. "Yes, Yes. He told me he was sending you. We'll get it done in good time." He gave him a smile that did not reach his eyes. "For now, how about some drinks?"

Ryan was surprised. "Drinks?"

The man shrugged, held his wrist and pulled him to the door. "Come on, just a civilised discussion, no guns, I promise."

Ryan frowned even more. Guns? He tried to pull out his hand, but the man's grip was surprisingly strong. He gave up and followed the man inside.

This room was a hundred times more better, and cleaner. The walls were clean and white - not painted with fungus - and there was a table with two chairs set in the middle.

The man gestured to it. "Join me."

Ryan put the package on the table and sat down on one of the chairs. The man sat in front of him.

"I'm Eagle."

Ryan looked at him in surprise. What kind of a name was that?

Eagle caught his puzzled look. "It's a codename," he explained. "In this business, we can't afford to give away our identity, can we?" He chuckled.

Ryan forced himself to laugh with him. "Yeah, we can't." What business was he talking about? "Uh - so what does Rick do here?"

"Your dad? He's my head transporter. Delivery man, you could say."

Ryan sighed. Not many clues. He still didn't know what they transported.

Eagle turned to the bearded man, who, Ryan noticed had followed them inside and was standing near the door. "Get the beer, Stone. Ryan - what would you like?"

BeatenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora