Now this is getting awkward. Like, seriously.

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Ryan sneaked out of the window, hoping his dad wouldn't notice. The damn guy had locked him inside the bedroom - he had no other choice. He was sort of nervous, although he didn't really like her. Ryan hadn't really dated anyone for the last two years. And plus this wasn't even a date.

Ryan opened the gate. They couldn't even have any drivers. Damn. Dad beat them all if they did. He was wearing a black Armani suit. He hoped it was fine. Well, whatever. He got into his Bugatti and revved the engine. He heard a bottle smash inside. Oh, hell. Ryan reversed out of the gate. 

His dad came running out of the door. The look on his face made up for all the trouble Ryan was going to come back to. Ryan laughed as he increased his speed. He was driving a car after ages. It felt so good to be able to do what he felt like.

He reached her house and stopped outside. His nervous feeling returned. He walked up to her door and knocked. God help me today.

Julie opened the door.

Fuck, she looked so hot. She was wearing a sequinned black dress that barely came till her thighs. She had left her hair open, just a black clip held her fringes behind, forming a small bump on her head. With her stilettoes, she came up to his eyes, just the perfect height.

"Hi, lover boy."

"HI, beautiful." Ryan didn't know where that came from. He took her by her hand and helped her into his car.

Was he doing this right?

Then he got into his car and turned to her. "Okay, so where's this 'large restaurant?"


Julie stared at the hot guy beside her. She watched his athletic hands on the steering wheel, almost imagining them running all over her. He was wearing a suit, almost as if they were on a date. He wasn't all punk like Drake. In fact, he wasn't anywhere like her usual style. But, whatever.

God, he was sexy. And rich. Somewhere inside her, her head told her to back off. Drake would kill her. And him.

He had his hand on her thigh. Just take it higher, baby. Just a little more.


Ryan glanced sideways and caught Julie staring at him. He half'smiled, then realized his hand was on her thigh. He quickly pulled it off. Shit.

Julie leaned over and opened his collar a little. She fingered his tattoo lightly. "You are so sexy, Ryan."

Ryan looked at her and smiled. "You too, baby." He put his hand on her thigh again. He wanted to feel her lips again. She was seriously sexy. Why did she want him? He didn't feel like he came anywhere in her league.

The restaurant was a large italian one, similar to the ones his dad used to take him and his mom too before he turned into such an asshole. The valet came over to take the car.

Ryan got out and opened the door for Julie. Julie smiled, linked her arm with his and stepped out. They walked through the glass doors. Ryan hoped they had the lounge ready. He had called them up before leaving to pick her up, and asked to reserve the lounge for a private dinner.

 A man in the hotel uniform walked up to them and led them over to the room. "Hope you have a pleasant  time, ma'am, sir." 

Ryan pulled up the chair for Julie. She sat onto it. Ryan went and sat in front of her. The waiter came up to them and offered the menu card. 

"So what do you want to eat?"

"I'll take this Rigatoni Pomodoro, I think. And turkey milanese as the mains."

"Great. I think I'm going to have Tagliatelle Bolognese and some seasoned vegetables. Uh..You want any drinks?"

"Yeah, they say their Bianco here is really good...."

"All right, we'll have that, then."

Julie smiled at him and pulled her chair closer.

Ryan gave their order to the waiter, who brought it in fifteen minutes later.

By the time they had finished their dinner, it was almost eleven. Ryan had no wish to go back home, knowing what was waiting for him there.

He escorted Julie back to the car. "So how did you like the dinner?"

"It was great." She leaned towards him and kissed him. This time Ryan kissed her back, his fingers digging into the back of her head as he held onto her. 

They broke apart a few seconds later, reluctantly. Ryan tried to focus on driving again. Her lips had tasted of chocolate. How many flavours did she have? He wanted to taste them all on her lips.

They reached her house and Ryan walked her upto the door. 

She unlocked it herself.

"You live here alone?"

She shrugged. "Yeah. With my dad. But he's away on business most of the times."

Ryan nodded. "Hmm..."

She stood in the doorway, smiling at him in her hot dress. Ryan reached over and kissed her. Still kissing him, Julie dragged him inside.

They barely made it to the bed.



Well guys, thanks for reading this up till here. More updates are on the way.....Comment and vote!

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