This is what I was worried about.

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Ryan sat up in the bed. He glanced at the clock. It was 11 am. Shit, he had missed the bus. Julie wasn't in the room. She must have gone without waking him up.

He thought of last night and smiled. It had been real fun. Julie definitely knew the business. Ryan got to check his phone. There were two messages from Julie.

Gone to school, love. Sorry didn't wake u. --Julie

And btw u luk sexy even when u sleep. :P Cya in school :D --Julie

Ryan grinned. It was 11 already, why bother going to school? He texted to Julie, saying he wont be there, and decided to head home. 

Fuck. Home. Dad. Ryan groaned. Shit, shit, shit. Ryan banged the bed in frustration. But he didn't have a choice. He hoped mom had not returned last night. Dad would've killed her. His mobile rang again.

He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Gone a date last night, baby?" 

"Mom!" Ryan cried. "HI!"

"Don't avoid my question!"

"Uh.....yeah. There's this girl called Julie.....And how did you find out?"

She laughed. "I got a message from the bank that you spent at some fancy Italian restaurant."

"Did you go home last night?"

He heard his mom sigh. "I didn't. And......I have to talk to you about this thing here...."

"Yeah, mom, what is it?"

"I, uh...I am planning to divorce him."

A moment of dead silence as Ryan registered the news. Then he burst out laughing. "That's the best news ever! What made you change your mind?"

"Well....I want you to have a normal life, Ryan. With girls, friends. Late night parties. I don't want to see you get beaten up for everything you do.....I mean, yeah, the papers will have it everywhere...but then, I don't care anymore. I'm done living with that bastard."

"That's the best decision you've taken, Mom. I really, really love you for this." Ryan couldn't believe the relief flooding through him. God. He wouldn't have to be scared everyday. His mom will be safe. 

"I'm going to get the divorce papers by next week. Just another week more, darling. Hold on, okay?"

Ryan nodded, then realized she couldn't see him. "Yeah, yes." He had waited three years. A week was nothing. Life was going to get better. 

"One more thing, please, please, don't breathe a word of this to him, okay? You know what he'll do."

"Don't worry, mum, I'm not crazy. But how are you going to get him to sign the papers?"

"I'll manage, don't worry."

"You're the best, mom! Love you!"

"Love you too, my baby. And now I have to bang up some thugs gotta go."

"Wait, what?"

"In the movie. In the movie." She laughed. "Bye, darling. See you....maybe today evening?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. But don't come home......please?"

His mom was silent. Ryan knew she had guessed what was happening. But she didn't say anything, much to his relief. "Yeah, let's say we meet at that Starbucks near your school?"

"Okay, that's fine. So see you there, alright?"

"Yeah, bye. See you at six thirty!"

"Bye, Love you." He hung up. He had to go to school now that he had to meet mom there. He could only hope his dad didn't kill him by then.

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