Kissed by a girl I just met. How crazy is this school?

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The bus honked. Late again. Shit. Ryan dragged himself out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom. The bus honked a couple of times more, then left. Great.

Ryan turned on the shower and felt the hot water run over him. He could still see the marks where that asshole had hurt him last evening. He had left him alone after that, then disappeared altogether an hour later. Not that he cared. Probably gone drinking and then fucked up some poor girl. He hated that bastard. He hated him for everything he had done. He hated him for hurting his mom. He hated him for making him feel so helpless. Had he come back last night?

Ryan turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around himself and came out. His mom was sitting on his bed when he entered.


"Ryan? Good morning."

"Morning, mom." Then he noticed the worried look on her face. "Mom, what is it? What happened?"

"I - I got another film offer."

"That's great! I don't see a problem with that!"

"It's a horror movie. It - It requires some late night shoots....."

"Ah...." Ryan stared at the floor. "What are you going to do about Dad?"

"Exactly. I want to reject it, but this film can get me more endorsements, and get me into the A-list...."

"Take it, then."

"What about you? He already told me that if any of us came late again...he'll hurt you. Maybe I should just-"

Ryan bent down beside her and touched her shoulder lightly. "Take it, mom. I'll - I'll handle it here."

"I think he's serious Ryan. I don't want anything happening to you!"

"I'll be fine, mom. Don't worry. It's only a couple of hours."

Nicky Laureal looked at him. "Are you sure? Once I take it on, I'll have to complete it....."

"Ya, I'll be okay. He can't touch me."

Nicky nodded. "Thanks, Ryan."

Ryan nodded back and grinned. "You're my mom, mom."

She laughed. "I know that. And so your favourite breakfast is waiting for you downstairs - Cereals!" Ryan gave a mock groan and she laughed again, then waved her hand and ran downstairs.

Ryan smiled at her back. He didn't want to see her crying. Ever. It was probably good she wouldn't be around. For her, obviously. Me - I was screwed.


Ryan arrived an hour late to school. Luckily, he had made a note and faked his mom signature on it.  He showed it to the receptionist, who marked him present then let him go to his class.

Mr. Smith was inside. Ryan stopped at the door. "Mr. Smith?"

The teacher turned to him and gave a wide smile. "Ah, Mr. Ryan Laureal. Come in, come in."

He walked in and held up the note, but Mr. Smith just waved it aside. "It's alright, Ryan. Just take your seat."

Ryan chose one somewhere in the middle (as far as he could get from James) and sat in a corner.

"Hey hi." It was girl beside him.

Ryan turned to her. "Hi. What's your name?"

"Leah. You are...?"


She held out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Ryan shook her hand and half smiled. Seriously, so formal? She was quite pretty, with large hazel eyes and soft brown hair that fell over her shoulders. She looked up and caught him staring. He blushed and turned away. Shit. Girls made him nervous. 

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