Are you fucking serious?

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Ryan ran to his bus, his shirt half tucked out, tie hanging loose and shoelaces undone. The bus engine revved for the fifth time, almost taunting him. Ryan swore. Bad start for a first day at high school. He pushed his way into the bus past the snarling conductor. "We're late!"

"Sorry, Sorry!" He grabbed the very last seat and put his rucksack beside him. First days sucked. He was always late. I mean, which kid had to fight with his dad for attending school? Wasn't it supposed to be the other way round? Ryan forced the thought away. First day. Better focus on that. 

He adjusted his school uniform and tried to remake his messed up spikes. He pulled out his iPod and put on headphones. Linkin Park rang in his ears. And as usual, forced him to think of the mess back home. He couldn't.....

The bus horn brought him back to reality. He sat up straighter. It was a school rule that each bus will pick up a teacher along the way. It was all a part of their anti-bully campaign or some shit like that. He remembered the principal saying that to his mom when they took admission. 

A large woman entered the bus. And large was understating it. She could barely fit through the door. "Good morning, Miss Honey," Some of the juniors chorused. She looked like she had taken quite a large dose of it. Her voice sounded like it had been dipped in a room full of honey. "Good morning kids."

Then she came straight to him. Ryan half stood up. "Um...yes?" He removed his headphones.

"You new here?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah. First day."

"What's that on your neck, huh?"

Ryan pulled up his collar nervously. She actually noticed that? Cripes. "It's a tattoo. Got it this summer, was on a vacation in Bangkok."

"Well, whenever you got it, I want it removed by tomorrow!"

"Are you crazy?! I can't!"


Ryan swore. It had just come out. "No, I mean-"

"Detention today after your classes are done. Meet me in the staff room."

"No! I'm sorry-"

"No excuses."

"Please, I can't!"

"And why is that so? Class?"

Ryan stared at the floor. "No." 


He didn't reply. His dad......he couldn't let that happen. 

"Please, it's my first day..."

Miss honey considered it for a while, then nodded grudgingly. "Alright then. One chance."

Ryan sighed in relief. "Thank you." he sat down again. Miss Honey sat down right beside him.

"So you're from around here?"

"Just moved in."

"I see.....what does your father do?"

"Well, odd and there....sometimes..." What else could he tell her? That he was a drunkard? That his sole aim in life was to make him suffer? That he had abused his mom over and over again for the last three years?

"I see. And your mother?"

"She's an actress - Nicky Laureal?"

"She's your mom? You're lucky kid then. You'll get many friends."

"um..thanks." He turned back to the window uncomfortable. He hated his life. He hated his dad. He hated everyone. He was already starting to hate his new school. 

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