Chapter 1: Kamen Rider in the World of My Hero Academia?

Start from the beginning

Pro Heroes/Villains: What?!

Ouja began running towards the villains while Venosnaker is slithering from behind. He did a backflip while jumping in the air, Venosnaker spits out venom at Ouja; giving him his power to perform his finisher. When the attack contacted with the villains, they were knocked back and an explosion was created afterwards, and the villains were unconscious. Then, Venosnaker takes his leave.

(Battle Music Ends)

Ouja: That's it.

Ouja was about to leave when the heroes confronted him.

Pro Hero: Hey, you are under arrested for being a vigilante and using your Quirk without a license.

Ouja: Why do I need one?

Pro Hero: It's the law!

Ouja: I don't have time for this.

Ouja begin walking away from the heroes. That's when the No. 1 Hero better known as the "Symbol of Peace", All Might, shows up.

 1 Hero better known as the "Symbol of Peace", All Might, shows up

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Pro Hero: All Might!

Crowd: Look, it's All Might! It is him! My hero!

Ouja: If I remember.... you're the No. 1 Hero of Japan, All Might?

All Might: Of course! You should know who I am! How about you? You don't look like any pro heroes that I know.

Ouja: Even though, I am a vigilante that you people consider. I still saved someone from those villains. Look.

He points where the villains were and they were knocked out cold.

All Might: Ha, ha, ha! You may have did the work, but you must not be wandering around doing that without a license.

Ouja: What do I do?

All Might: I have an idea. Come with me.

Death Arms: Are you putting him to jail?

All Might: Nope!

Pro Hero: Why not? He was a vigilante, and he broke the law.

All Might: I don't want to immediately arrest this man. I want to give him some chances.

Kamui Wood: Chances?

All Might: Well, we're leaving now. Come with me, young man.

Ouja: Sure.

All Might: I forgot to mention to you other heroes. Arrest those people.

Pro Heroes: Got it!

Ouja followed All Might to the location where he might be taken.

(Few Minutes Later)

Ouja: Where are we going, Symbol of Peace?

Kamen Rider X My Hero Academia: The New Hero (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now