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So this is a kind of preview of a book that I had been thinking of writing for a while. Just so you know, I have no intention to stop writing this one but I have always loved the idea of Error as a 'Forced Destroyer' and want to see if I can give my own kind of twist to it so yah.

... This is about Error BTW... if you hadn't gathered that from previously so yeahhh... he might have a daughter or something like that... I haven't quite decided yet...




Error was an anomaly. No one knew where he came from originally, not even Fate them self, not that they cared much. His origins were somethings known only by himself and Destiny. Destiny had claimed Error as her 'Chosen Child' after Fate had plucked him from his boring existence wandering the Au's to torment him. But before Error had that kind of hope, Fate had destroyed his soul.

They ripped it apart, then forced it back together, only to repeat. They abandoned him in the empty white anti-void, where voices screamed endlessly, forcing obedience into his soul. Error wished for salvation, wished for an escape. He pleaded and screamed until his voice cracked permanently. He ripped his skull into pieces hoping for death, only for it to be pieced back together, each time more and more incorrectly, by his impossibly high HP. His HP barely ever neared its half way mark despite his excruciatingly low Hope no matter what kind of harm inflict onto him.

Error wondered and pleaded for an explanation for this torture from the voices that rang around the empty chamber. They never answered, never uttered a single word except ones that were hateful and cruel. The screams pieced his hollow skull every waking hour.

'That he couldn't do anything without someones help.'

'That his life was worthless and that Fate was the one in charge of what happened to it.'

Thus, the abuse continued for years. It continued until Error could hardly remember a time before it.

Error was curled in a ball, as if his body would provide a physical shield from the voices, when he was first released from his living hell. His job was to destroy. That was what the voices yelled and screamed. Destroy a world filled with life and joy. Brimming with new beginnings and potential, and he had to wreck it, crush it. Destroy it, enough that even its code would be so mangled, that it was unrecognisable.

Error didn't care. He didn't care that he was the thing he was ripping to shreds was a world. He was just glad to enjoy his freedom, however temporarily it was. And he would do anything to make it last. That was when he first met Ink. He noticed the skeleton when he first stepped out of 'portal' and into this 'new world.

The moment he laid his eye lights on him, the voice of Fate screamed in his skull, making it feel as if it being ripped open. It told him who this other skeleton was. It told him the he was its 'True Child' while Error was nothing more than a reject. A tool to be used so the other child could play as much as he wanted. It told him of the balance, the limit of space in the multiverse. It told him how to control his strings.

It told him how the endless abuse and torture that he had been relentlessly forced through was because of one Ignorant, Stupid, Selfish Skeleton. He had been thrown through hell because Fate had chosen a skeleton as their favourite.

Error almost collapsed. He almost fell to the floor and screamed louder than ever before. He was despairing. He was weak. He had given up... He had decided. He was going to do his job. He was protect the multiverse from its Protector. Because he had no choice. He was worthless without Fate and no matter how much he cracked, he owed the multiverse. He owed it for his life before Fate. So he was going to protect it.

Even if he had to become a villain in its eyes.

Sooo, hope you enjoyed.
Comment if you want me to post more of it separately and/or if you liked it.
Ill write more of the actual story this is meant to be at some point.
Love you all.

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